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[Now, this tip is EXTREMELY simple. This is for y'all beginners out there.]

When you write, your basically taking a step, but you dont notice it. Each step after another having slight changes, and improvements. So, the first step to write is... write!

Surprised, eh? Now, I ain't lying. For example, imagine your an artist and you wanna improve on your art! You NEED to draw to improve. If you didn't pick up your pencil in like years, its almost impossible to get back to drawing again because your not used to it.


if your just starting new, I recommend you to read other's novels. Dont be jealous that they have more reads than you, just BECAUSE they have like a million reads obviously doesn't mean they are better than you. When I first started on wattpad and writing my first story, I was really jealous of others. Now, I have learned that just because they have more reads than you doesn't mean they are better than you. You can be a professional writer and have 10 followers, or be an amateur writer and have 10 thousand followers! It doesn't MATTER. Its just a damn number.

Read again...

Now, reading and writing is almost like learning, but in a fun way. If any of you think writing is stressful, your not wrong, my friend. Its important to keep your brain fresh and hungry for learning, so learn something!

[This tip isn't related to writing, but still. It's better to consider it.]

Learn something new every week!

You dont wanna keep your brain old and grumpy, dont you? What's the way to avoid this? Well... learn..! Learning is one of the most important things in life. Ain't talking about education since education is limited, but learning is unlimited, there are SO many possibilities, so many things! You can learn about mass, butterflies, art, air, oxygen, so much more! The possibilities are unlimited!

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