Chapter Twenty-Three: Elevation

Start from the beginning

'You're right, she wouldn't want me to leave,' Gideon said.

'Good,' said Grimsby as if the matter was settled. 'I expect there's more you wanted to ask me, though?'

'Yes. The Occurio. I think I know why, but—'

'Why didn't it respond to your magic? I suspect you've realised, but your magic was triggered during the Dementor attack. From what the witness described, it was probably all released at once owing to the situation. With that, being injured in the process, and all the potions that you were given at St Mungo's, your magic was severely drained. I wasn't positive that would be the case when I used the Occurio, though.'

'So, why didn't you tell me?'

'It was just conjecture. Then, when the Occurio didn't detect anything, I wasn't sure if your magic would return. With how you were doing at the time, I didn't think it would be wise to get your hopes up. I'm sorry I wasn't more forthcoming.'

Gideon stared out of the window for a few moments. He thought back to his conversation with Mr Grimsby in the hospital tearoom. At the time he was eager for information, but he was also in a bad state emotionally. Perhaps the man had been right to hold back. Still, there were things he needed to know now.

'During the attack, before I passed out, I had a seizure of sorts,' Gideon explained. 'It's something that has happened only a bunch of times in my life. Each time, though, it's happened at a moment when I've been especially upset. It reminds me of how underage witches and wizards perform magic by accident. What do you know about it?'

Jonathan Grimsby shifted uncomfortably in his seat. 'I'm not a Healer, Gideon,' he said evasively.

'And yet, at least two of those seizures pre-empted visits from you—and your Occurio,' said Gideon accusatorily. 'You didn't show up at our house to see if I had magic, did you? My parents contacted you after I had an episode, to see if what happened with the Dementors had occurred. You came to see if my magic had been released!'

Mr Grimsby remained silent in much the same way that Gideon had during their past conversations.

'Meaning,' Gideon concluded, 'that both you and my parents know something about the seizures, and by extension, what happened to my magic!'

Mr Grimsby smiled at the boy's keen deduction. 'It's true—that the seizures were symptomatic of your magic trying to activate,' he conceded. 'Part of my responsibility entailed monitoring you for such signs. However, as much as I'd like to answer all your questions, Gideon, there are things that I cannot tell you.'

'Why not?' Gideon demanded. 'If there's something wrong with me or something happened to me, I have a right to know!'

'I'm afraid I can't,' Grimsby insisted. 'I encourage you to focus on the positives. Your magic has been released, you won't have any more of those seizures, and you're at Hogwarts! These are good things!'

'Perhaps,' Gideon started, 'if you ignore the fact that the last two years of my life have been a waste, that I've suffered from physical and emotional pain, that I've been abandoned by the only family I've ever known, and that my mum is lying in the hospital, all because of something you won't tell me!'

Grimsby sighed and looked down at his feet before he responded to Gideon's righteous anger, 'I can only imagine how you're feeling, Gideon. All I can say is that I'm sorry this has happened to you. Truly!'

Gideon's nose flared as he huffed in frustration. Annoyingly, he could sense the man's sincerity, and that made it much harder to be angry with him. Grimsby had confirmed some things, but it seemed there were still a few missing pieces of the puzzle.

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