"Hmm adds up."

"So are you going to tell me? Or?"

"Oh yea here take a look at this." She said turning the screen towards you.

"This here is your uterus and this here that little blob is a baby. It appears to be that your pregnant miss.l/n"

You were stunned. You couldn't even speak. You weren't married your fiancé was ignoring you and you weren't going to be able to tell him if he wasn't willing to listen.

"Is it ok. The stress couldn't have been good for it?" You were freaking out a bit.

"It appears to be fine. However it is still very early and a multitude of things could go wrong. What you want to keep is a very low stress environment. I also suggest telling the father. Having the stress of not telling him won't be good."


"Here let me get some pictures printed and I'll be right back."

Ginny watched the doctor come out of your room and then back in with what appeared to be photos. She was getting nervous for what could be wrong with you.

"Here are your pictures. There's 3 so do with those what you choose. The receptionist will have you schedule another scan in a few weeks."

You nodded and left the room walking up to the receptionist paying your bill quickly and walking back over to Ginny after stuffing the photos in your pocket. You never paid the bill in person but if a bill showed up for pregnancy ultrasounds and George got a hold of it he would be furious.

"What's the diagnosis?"

"Do you really want to know?" You asked.


"Alright here take my hand let's go back to your house for some privacy."

You arrived back at the burrow and went up to Ginny's room.

"Alright here let's sit down."

"I'm scared y/n is everything ok."

"In some ways yes in some ways no. I don't want to burden you with this Ginny especially because I don't know when or how I'm going to tell George. So please don't tell him or anyone I haven't told you I've talked to."


You handed her one of the pictures from your pocket.

"I'm pregnant Ginny." Those words even sounded strange to you.

"Y/n... you have to tell George."

"I know I do but I don't know how. He's not even talking to me."

"You can have some time but he needs to know. You can't show up to your wedding with a huge pregnant stomach."

"I know."

"Y/n! Ginny! Are you guys back here?" Molly yelled.

"Alright let me see that and I'm going to go tell Molly and Arthur." You said and took the photo form Ginny.

You ran down the stairs.

"Hello Molly. Hello Arthur. Do you have somewhere we could talk?" You asked and they looked at each other perplexed.

"Yea follow us." Molly spoke out

They led you to a small room that seemed to hold knitting yarn and supplies.

"What's wrong. Is something wrong with you?" Molly asked.

"No not really. Just a bit scared." You said a few tears falling from your eyes.

"Dear it's alright whatever it is we'll all be here for you and you have George."

"Yea. Alright so first close your guys eyes and hold out your hands." To which they did and you placed a picture in each of their hands."

"Alright open." Molly seems to be the first to get it.

"Oh my Merlin! Are you serious?"

"Well actually I'm y/n but yea."

"I don't get it." Arthur said turning the image in his hand.

Molly reached over and turned it the right way.

"That is a baby Arthur. She's pregnant." Molly smiled.

His mouth just formed an "oh" shape and you let out a small laugh before the two of them hugged you at the same time.

"Please don't say anything to George. Or anyone else really, only you and Ginny know as of know. I want to give George some time because right now he's not speaking to me and he's really upset."

"Oh but his would boost his spirits right up." Molly said but you could tell she was just as sad as George for she had lost a son. But it seemed like she was hiding something.

But would it. You thought to yourself. That night 3 weeks ago George had told you he was glad you were on birth control. You had taken it but it hadn't worked and you didn't know if he was going to be all too happy about the baby.

"Alright guys. I'm going to go back home and check on George."

"Alright dear here are the pictures."

"Oh you guys keep one but if George comes over just please hide it for now."

She took one and pinned it to the fridge with a magnet handing the other over to you.

Weasley Bliss (George weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now