How Much Did You Hear?

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After your little talk with Fred, it wasn't long until George came downstairs after finishing getting ready. As you heard his footsteps coming down the stairs you turned to him and smiled at him. His hair was still dripping wet from the shower not that you minded it, he was quite cute even though his hair fell all over the place. Usually, when people had their hair soaking wet and it fell all in front of their faces it was not attractive but George had a way of making it attractive.

He walked over and sat right between you and Fred giving his twin a glare that said "Get out of my way will you?". Fred took the memo and got up walking away back to his room.

"you know I love you but you are very loud when you speak." He said putting his arm around your shoulder.

"What do you mean?" You asked him a little confused as to why he had brought this up. Then you realized he must have heard you and Fred speaking. "How much did you hear of that little conversation?" you continued your cheeks were now turning pink from embarrassment.

"Oh, I heard all of it darling." He answered smiling at you "Not that it's a bad thing... it's just are you really sure you want to marry into this family. We don't exactly have the best rep. With all the things like we don't have money, we are known as some of the biggest blood traitors there are or whatever." He said giving you a sincere look.

"Oh, George if you were a master spy like me you would have heard that I don't care about money. I also don't care if your family are the so-called 'biggest blood traitors'. If I could have all the money in the world or be with you do you know what I would choose?" You asked him.

"let me guess the money?" he said giving you a watery smile using humor to cover up how much happiness he was feeling that you were saying all you were saying.

"No I would choose you because I love you and you treat me like a princess, your family loves me and we are best friends. If you ever doubt what I am saying to you then you come straight to me and I will give you a million kisses." You said, "Like this..." You finished your sentence leaning over and pressing small kisses all over his face.

You put your hand to his face and cradled it rubbing your thumb across his cheek smiling at him.

"I'm never leaving." You breathed at him

With that, you take his head and place it on your shoulder kissing him on the forehead. George had his moments where he was self-conscious and unsure but during those times you had no problem comforting him and telling him how much you loved him and that was the truth.

Not long after that Fred had reentered the living room and took a look at you and George.

"Oh, sentimental talk time. Do you want me to leave?" He asked beginning to slowly back away

"No." You and George both said in unison. "We could use some humor right now," George added.

"Oh no did you and y/n break up?" he said sadness overcoming his face.

"Merlin no. George just needed a little therapy but I'm not going to go too far into it." You said running your fingers through his hair.

"Thank goodness. Do you guys want to hear a strange muggle joke I learned?" Fred spoke up

"Sure Fred." You said as you and George laughed at his ability to be right back in a funny mood after being sad.

"Why did the boy stop using his pencil."

"Ooh, I know this one what do you think George?"

"I don't know. Why?" He answered his head still laying on your shoulder

"Because it was pointless," Fred answered an amused smile breaking onto his face

"I don't get it. What even is a pencil." He spoke up

"George it's like the quills we use for writing except for its made of wood and there is a stick of something called graphite that leaves marks on paper. Then you put it into this muggle machine that sharpens it and the graphite gets sharp and has the tip that leaves marks like inc does when it touches paper. Kids and adults use them like we use quills except you don't have to keep reloading them up with ink all the time." you finished your explanation.

"Oh, you should show us some time."

"Here I think I have one in the bottom of one of my suitcases." You said running upstairs and surely enough you returned with a pencil.

George's head was still tilted to the side awaiting your shoulder again and you placed his head back on your shoulder as you sat down handing George the pencil first. Fred moved from his seat on his chair to come to look at the pencil as well. They spent an awfully long time looking at it.

"MUM! Can you get us a piece of parchment?" George yelled

"Don't be silly George I can get it for you," you said beginning to stand up before you felt George's arms wrap around you prohibiting you from moving.

"I need your shoulder to rest my head-on." He said looking up at you with wide eyes.

Just then Molly came out of another room handing a piece of parchment to her son.

"I'm sorry Molly I could have gotten it for him."

"Oh, don't be silly dear I see he's got you a little wrapped up," She said. "Boys just please don't set fire to the paper again."

"We aren't mom!" Fred replied in a rather childlike manner.

"Then what do you need the paper for." She said curiously as she sat down.

"Y/n showed us this muggle thing called a pencil it's like a quill for non-magic people."
 He said

That's when Arthur popped his head out of the kitchen

"Did I hear muggle thing what is it this time?" and just like that, you had a crowd around you just for a pencil. Never did you think that something that used to be so normal for you would be so crazy to another person.

That is when you showed him how to hold the pencil and he got it down rather quickly. The way you hold a pencil wasn't too different than the way you would hold a quill. He began to write with it and everyone seemed very shocked especially Arthur. By this time Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had gathered around you to see the commotion.

Harry and Hermione however weren't really surprised they had grown up with pencils but they did have this reaction when they first used quills.

You explained to the Weasleys how pencils worked and George watched you like you were the only girl in the whole entire world.

A/n: I thought I would say I have a TikTok account that I people want I will probably be posting updates for the stories I write here. Thank you for reading :)


Also yes I know I spelled Stories wrong I have to fix it when I can haha.

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