Chapter 7: Delirious desire

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"Wait! I'll go Jim's too young-"

"I was not speaking to you pirate." Amelia growled at (Y/n) surprising him.

(Y/n) looked down and stepped aside and walked off to the edge of the treeline.

Jim gave a worried glance at (Y/n) before taking the pistol.

"Aye Captain." Jim said in determination.

Amelia let out another pained yelp and fell to her knees again, the rifle in her hand no longer supporting her.

"Steady. Steady. Now let us have a look at that." Doctor Doppler said as he helped Amelia to the ground and attempted to provide medical aid.

(Y/n) winced at Amelia's pained yelp and gritted his teeth.

Fuck this.

(Y/n) walked back over to his comrades and stepped over Amelia and snatched the rifle from the ground and slung it over his shoulder.

"Where do you're going!" Amelia shouted at (Y/n) who didn't even falter keeping his stride.

"To find some food." (Y/n) said simply.

"No, that's not important right now. Come back here we need to...stay together, that's an order!" Amelia exclaimed as he grew farther away.

"You don't speak to pirates remember? Which means I don't take orders from you." (Y/n) stated sharply, it was a low blow but he could help but say it. It hurt to be ignored by her so he was going to give her the same treatment.

Amelia blinked in disbelief and stared at his retreating form as (Y/n) slowly disappeared from sight. It did hurt. His words, they had stung and she didn't know why it stung it just...did.

And it made her regret her words, strangely enough.

He deserved to give an explanation at least.

Amelia pulled herself to her feet, much to the doctor's dismay.

"Captain you really must rest! Moving is not the best idea in your condition." Doppler scolded.

"Where did (Y/n) go?" She asked still dazed then remembered the direction and stumbled towards it.

Amelia didn't even make it twenty yards into the forest when a strange plant released a thorn in the shape of a dart from it's stem and shot it into her arm.

Amelia gasped in pain and yanked it out as she fell again.

The Doctor finally caught up to her and looked her over and returned her to the longboat.

"That was a very stupid idea Captain! What were you thinking!? You could have been killed by who knows what kind of animals or plant life."

Amelia looked up at the good Doctor with needle thin shaped pupils.

" mate.." Amelia slurred out.

"(Y/n) is your what?" Doppler asked confused mate? What did she mean by that? Did she mean her friend or... 'Mate' Mate.

Amelia cooed at hearing (Y/n)'s name happily as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

Doppler put a hand to his head in utter confusion.

(Y/n) needed to get back here ASAP. 

Not long after, (Y/n) did return with no food or water to speak of and was not in any mood to hear Amelia rant about his departure.

But surprisingly, she reacted differently to his return.

Upon glancing at him in dazed eyes she lit up with energy and flung herself into his arms making him drop the rifle in order to catch her.

"(Y/n)! Oh I missed you terribly, please don't like that again. I scared..." Amelia said to him in half lidded eyes as she smiled at him and hugged him holding him close to her as he held her in a bridal carry.

"Doc?" (Y/n) asked bewildered and very very startled and confused.

Doppler only gave a shrug that screamed 'I have no idea what in the universe is wrong with her.'

Amelia let out a pleased chuff as she inhaled his scent, the scent of blood, sweat and the familiar smell of (Y/n).

She memorized the scent and locked it away in her mental vault of things she loved and held most dear.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as he felt her bury herself deeper into his hold.

"She has been acting strange ever since she attempted to go search for you, she had this in her hand." Doctor Doppler produced a thorn in the shape of a dart from his pocket and took a step forward to show (Y/n).

Amelia didn't take too kindly to that.

Upon seeing the movement from the corner of her vision, Amelia whipped her head in Doppler's direction and bared her teeth. Her feline ears flattened against her head.

Then she hissed at him possessively.

The sudden action startled Doppler making him flinch and raise his hands infront of him to protect himself from any attack.

"Mine." Amelia growled out in warning tightening her hold on (Y/n).

"Y-Yes Captain!" Doppler said submissively 

Amelia turned her head to bury it back into (Y/n)'s chest whilst keeping an eye on Doppler.

(Y/n) and the Doctor shared a shocked look.

What happened to Amelia?

Why was she acting so...


*Uh oh! Amelia got stung by a strange plant making her act like a feral animal! What will (Y/n) and the good Doctor do? Where is Jim and who is he bringing back with him? We shall see! We shall see! Ya see?*

-Jet (The_Inquisitor)

Captain Amelia x Male readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang