Chapter 3 (Part 1)

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The rest of the week went by quickly and soon enough, it was Saturday. The day of the Enola Holmes audition.

"Come on Louis hurry up!" y/n shouted from her car to Louis who was collecting his papers together, running to the car.

Unfortunately for Louis, he didn't see the big rock in the grass and tripped over it, sending his script for the audition soaring everywhere into the air and onto the damp ground.

Y/n shrieked with laughter as she looked at her best friend scrambling around, collecting his papers.

"You good there buddy?" Y/n asked with sarcasm in her voice.

"Oh shut up. Come on let's go. We're going to be late." Louis replied, visibly embarrassed, getting into the passenger side of the car.

"Let's go..." Y/n said before abruptly stepping on the gas pedal and speeding off down the street and on the highway; Louis hanging on for dear life.

The two best friends were having the time of their lives. The windows down, allowing the cool wind to hit their warm skin and belting out the lyrics to their favorite songs.

While Louis was distracted, singing the lyrics to Halo by Beyoncé, y/n slightly turned to look at Louis, admiring him.

From his glowing skin, beautiful deep brown eyes, his perfectly chiseled jawline, his brown hair that flowed effortlessly in the wind...
Y/n just wanted to tell him how she felt...

Y/n pulled into the parking lot, near the building that the auditions were taking place.

Louis and Y/n walked in together and saw hundreds of kids and adults alike. Trying out for different roles.

Y/n turned to Louis and saw a worried expression on his face.

"Hey!" y/n said, leaning towards Louis, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You're going to do just fine. I believe in you." she said with a reassuring smile. Making Louis feel more confident.

After one hour of waiting,

"Louis Partidge!" a lady called out from across the hall.

"Ok. Here I go." Louis said, giving y/n a hug.

"Wish me luck!"

After some five minutes of waiting, Louis finally came out of the room; a huge smile across his face.

"How was it?" y/n asked eagerly.

"It was great!"

"See! I told you there was nothing to be worried about! Well, now that we got that out of the way, let's go shopping!"
y/n said while pulling Louis out of the hall, weaving in and out if other auditioners.


After hours of walking around the mall, taking goofy videos together and trying on silly hats at their favorite store, the two made their way home.


"So do you wanna stay for dinner? My mum invited one of my other friends from the other tv show I worked on. You could meet him."
Louis asked y/n shyly; breaking the peaceful silence between them.

"Oh sure! I'd love to!"
y/n replied, a huge grin hidden on her face.


"Y/n darling! So happy you could join us!," Louis's mom said to Y/n, embracing her in a big hug.
"So good to see you. Come, come! Sit down!"

As y/n sat down at the table, she spot another brown headed boy with bright blue eyes she's never seen before across from her.

"Y/n, this is William. William, Y/n. I worked with Will while filming, 𝑀𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑖." Louis introduced them while taking a seat next to Y/n.

Heartbroken...  -Louis Partidge x readerWhere stories live. Discover now