Chapter 1

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Fighting. That is all anyone ever did in this country.

I, however, didn't have the right to complain as I'm a part of the reason it is like this.  I have joined the opposing side to the dictatorship ruling that everyone has become so accustomed to.

Currently, a man named Dream is pulling the strings of everyone that resides within the borders. If you dared to disagree you face grievous consequences. That is the reason this rebellion has been a secret.Now we have reached enough people where we didn't have to hide our allegiance. 

I haven't met Dream myself but what I hear from Wilbur is that he is an absolute bitch and I don't support bitches ruling the country. So I joined the rebellion in hopes that a new country would be born, one with freedom.

My best friends and frankly my only friends are Tommy and Tubbo. They have a way of keeping my faith up and without them I know I'd would've been lost in a sea of uncertainty.  

Lately, things have been changing with my relationship with them. While I used to think they were as close to me as brothers, I couldn't ignore the way that Tommy makes me feel. He always has a way of lighting a fire in me that no one has ever been able to do. Nevertheless, we live in a world of war and there is no time for small, meaningless crushes.

Wilbur is the current leader of our movement. A very tall and outspoken man, who doesn't seem to ever tolerate Tommy's immature violent behavior. He also doesn't ever seem to ever find me of use to him. I ask him whenever I am able to, in the hopes that if I would sacrifice as much as Wilbur and Tommy do, then I will be able to have some power when making decisions for this country. No matter what I offer, my pursuits haven't been accomplished. 

It was getting late so I decided to return to my little cottage on the hill. It wasn't anything extravagant as I don't possess much money. To sum it up it was basically only two rooms: my bathroom and my bedroom/kitchen/living room. It was okay though because it wasn't like I had many guests anyways. The only constant living thing is my cat, Christmas, who usually stays inside my humble abode, as I fear for her life if I were ever to let her out.

Before entering the house I went to my mailbox and looked to see I had two envelopes addressed to me. Which was a lot more compared to the whopping zero I usually get. I see one is from Tubbo, which occasionally he will send me one and write down random stuff that he could ask me in person. I think he just does it because he feels bad no one writes to me.

I go inside and place it on my counter. I glanced towards the second one which had a fancy seal on it. Intrigued I see it was from Wilbur! Even though it says that it was written by "Gracious Leader of L'Manburg", I know that it is no other than the tall-man himself.

I open it with haste.

Dear L'Manburgeon citizen,

You have been called to a required council meeting. It will take place at 12 p.m. at the address written on the back of this piece of parchment. Please be on time as I don't believe that tardiness is tolerable. You need to understand the urgency, as a new republic we give many freedoms, but you need to understand how crucial your attendance is.

Thank you,

Leader of L'Manburg

I couldn't contain my excitement! This was it, my big chance. I was finally going to receive a mission, a purpose. I go into my bed, excited for what tomorrow has in store for me.

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