Love Potion - Bill Weasley

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Me and the Weasley's have known each other since I was just a little girl, and of course being the same age as the twins means we were the perfect little trio of mischief

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Me and the Weasley's have known each other since I was just a little girl, and of course being the same age as the twins means we were the perfect little trio of mischief.

Every holiday was spent at The Burrow causing pure caos but Molly and Arthur (or aunty and uncle as I prefer to call them) didn't even complain, it was just as normal as brushing your teeth everyday.

And once more came the Yule Season. Me and the rest of the Weasley family had just appareted from the plataform 9&3/4 to The Burrow.

I climbed the stairs to Bill and Charlie's room where I always stay since Bill had his own home now and Charlie was in Romania.
I placed my trunk over Charlie's bed, switched my clothes to something more comfortable and ran downstairs.

- Oh there you are Y/N! I was just telling Arthur that Hermione, Harry and Bill will be staying with us this Yule. You don't mind sharing the room with Bill right? - Molly said with a concerned look on her face.

- Of course not aunty, after all it is his room. Don't worry there's plenty of space for both of us! - I tried reassuring her by giving her a tight hug.

- Ok, then it's settled, Bill in his room, Harry stays with Ron and Hermione with Ginny. We are going to have a full house this year! - her eyes were starting to water up but she still had a big smile on her face. - Oh I just wished Charlie could be here too!

- Please don't cry aunty, you know that if he had the smallest chance to come, he would've come, don't you? - she stared into my eyes for a few seconds looking like she was seeing something play inside them, perhaps she was remembering something, and then suddenly aunty gave me her biggest smile, nodded her head and walked away.

Fred and George came close with a smile that promised fun and I knew they were up to something. What's the best way to start the holidays rather than pranking someone?

- We were thinking about testing our new formula of the Love Potion tonight. - Fred said with a grin on his face.

- Merlin that's a great idea, who's going to test it? Should we put into Ron's drink? 'Cuz I am dying for him to confess his feelings for Hermione! I can't handle anymore complains from Hermione saying that Ron is just too dumb to catch her signals. - I rolled my eyes and then filled with excitement abou the idea.

- Uhm actually we had a different idea in mind... - George stated looking at Fred and then both twins stared at me with a huge smile on their faces. - We thought you could test it out!

My mouth dried so fast and I paled for a second. What in the bloody hell were they thinking about? That I was going to say yes to this madness? Because FYI, I still have a brain!

- What the fuck did you just say? - I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms while staring at their grinning faces.

- Look we already know that this formula doesn't have any side affects, plus we have an antidote with us! We just need to see it in action, to know if it's really good to sell on our store. - George being the reasonable one tried to explain in attempt for me to give in.

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