Chapter 2: Do you Believe?

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Beerus casually walked through the halls of Beacon Academy, taking his time to reach the group of four girls who were less than patiently waiting for him so that they could go on their mission.

It took Ozpin just under a day to find an appropriate mission for the four first year students plus the vacationing G.O.D.

Of course Beerus questioned the Headmaster if he would have the chance to have a little fun on the mission to which the white haired man responded with,"M-My Lord.....W-What do you mean"

The cat-god smiled fondly at the mere memory of Ozpin's horrified face after he told him what his definition of fun was but, thankfully for Ozpin, Beerus was promised to be able to have some fun.

That fun would scare the four girls accompanying him, but that was indeed apart of his enjoyment. A little entertainment for him while he was escorting them.

Maybe he would even be able to find a way to scare that Salem woman if he found one of those floating Grimm.

Beerus only chuckled as he scratch med the side of his head,"What a perfect place to vacation. So much fun to be had."

After about twenty minutes of walking, he found his way to the bullhead landing zone where team RWBY was waiting. The white haired one-

Was it Weinny?



Whatever her name was, looked very....impatient to say it nicely.

However, she further enraged as Beerus let out a rather loud yawn. "So, are you girl's ready for.....whatever it is Ozpin has us doing?"

"Are we ready?" She asked him with a twitch in her eyes only for the shorter black haired girl with silver eyes to grabbed her by the shoulder and whisper something into her ear that made the uptight girl take a few deep breaths before replying,"Yes sir, we are ready."

"Well that's good to hear. So, where are we going exactly?" The destroyer asked them causing actual steam to erupt from the girls ears as her face turned beat red out of anger.

Once again, the little one pulled the white haired girl away from the group and began to try an calm her down. Beerus of course knew exactly what he was doing, but if he couldn't have any fun with the four of them what was the point?

"We are heading out to the Forever Fall Forest to clear out as many Grimm as possible for a field trip that is taking place tomorrow." The other black haired girl with a bow answered.

He thought her name was Blaze, or maybe it was Blane? Ah it didn't matter.

"Perfect, that'll give me a little bit of an exercise for today. Not like I need it but it's great to stretch the muscles every now and again. Well then, let's get going."

The entire group, including a still twitching Weiss, boarded the airship and got ready for the relatively short trip. Which of course was filled with questions, mostly from the little silver eyed girl.

Her name was Rudy? Ruth? Randy? Something like that.

"So if your a God, how old are you?" The cat-man scratched his cheek,"Not sure, I stopped counting after I hit Seventy Million." The metal interior of the ship fell quiet as the words lingered through the girls minds.

Weiss was if course just shaking her head in disbelief, Ruby was nodded along as if it should have been common knowledge, Blake was actually trying to count the number out on her hand or trying to figure out just how much older he was than the rest of them, and Yang simply thought 'So that's why he's hairless and purple.'

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