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On a large, but strange planet where a massive tree grew out of a large half diamond like base, two beings of unbelievable power were speaking of something....rather normal.

"A vacation? Lord Beerus you haven't been on a break in a long time, I believe a vacation is a splendid idea." A tall slender man with blue skin and a white hair. He wore a strange red uniform with a blue halo floating around his neck.

"I know, that's why I decided that I was going on vacation Whis. Anyways I plan to be gone for three years at least so let Goku and Vegeta handle any universal threats that may pop up....on second thought just let Vegeta handle those things." A purple cat like man said. He wore loose blue color that draped over his chest in an old Egyptian style, gold brackets that were fastened on his arms and neck along with blue pants and brown shoes.

These men were Universe 7's Angel, Whis, and God of Destruction, Beerus.

"So where do you plan on going?" Whis asked his Lord. "I already have the perfect place in mind, do you remember that little planet on the backside of the red spiral?" Beerus sat back in his chair as he explained his vacation destination.

"Little planet on the back side of the red spiral? Hm....that's sector mean Remnant?" The cat god chuckled at the mention of his destination, "That's the one. I haven't seen that Ozma fellow in a while and he seems to be quite the intelligent fellow. He should be kind enough to allow me to stay, and if he isn't I'll just take his planet with me when I leave....oooh this is going to be so much fun!"

Whis chuckled at Beerus's enthusiasm,"Very well Lord Beerus. When shall we leave?"

Beerus smiled,"How about now!"

-Sector 737: Remnant, Vale, Beacon Accademy-

"Yes, yes, I'm sure it will be fine Glynda. Just let the children handle their problems in their own ways. Besides I'm sure Professor Port has already offered Miss Schnee some advice like I did for Miss Rose." A white haired man said to a blonde woman named Glynda as he walked towards a set of elevator doors.

"Very well Professor Ozpin. But if their teamwork begins to deteriorate, its on you." Glynda told him. The man named Ozpin merely chuckled,"Very well. If you will excuse me Miss Goodwitch, I have quite the stack of paper work to do."

Glynda only sighed,"As do I. I'll see you later Professor."

"And I you." Ozpin replied as he stepped into the elevator alone. Within a short ride, he was at the top floor of the building. His office.

He stepped into the room only to notice a pair of legs resting on his desk from the seat in front of it hiding the owner of said legs.

"Hello there, is there something I can do for you? A problem with one of the dorms?" Ozpin asked as he walked over. A deep chuckle rung out and Ozpin's eye twitched as the chuckle sounded.....eerily familiar.

Then he stood up,"There is quite a few things you can do for me, Ozma." Beerus stood tall, his hands going behind his back in his normal elegant stance.

Ozpin's eyes widen and his cane slipped loose of his grip as it came crashing to the floor. His skin paled further than its already white complexion and he stood stock still out of shock, surprise, or fear. All of these options were acceptable to the god of destruction.
"What's wrong Ozma, you look like you've seen a ghost."

Ozpin immediately shot down to one knee and bowed, "Lord Beerus, my humblest apologies for not recognizing you sooner, it has been a very long time." Beerus walked forward,"Yes it has Ozma, or do you go by Ozpin now?"

"Ozpin is my current name, my lord." Beerus waved off the last of his statement,"Would you stand up, I don't like straining my ears to hear you from down there." Ozpin shot up, stiff as a board, to comply with Beerus's request. "My apologies Lord Beerus, I did not mean to-"

"Ozma you can relax. I'm not here for any kind of minor problem like blowing up your planet." Beerus told him causing Ozpin to loosen his posture significantly before he took on a curious look,"If you aren't here to judge Remnant.....why are you here?"

Beerus sighed out as he shut his eyes,"I need a break." Ozpin nearly fell over as he heard what the destroyer had said,"Could you repeat that my lord?"

"I'm tired Ozma. I have two particularly idiotic warriors who have managed to get Whis to train them and they are driving me up a wall. Do you know how hard it is to take a nap when your planet is constantly shaking?!" Beerus raged as he leaned towards the Headmaster.

Ozpin leaned away from the Cat god with a bead of sweat rolling off his face,"No I don't Lord Beerus. But what exactly does your break have to do with Remnant?" Beerus leaned back,"Its quite simple.... Vacation!"

This time Ozpin fell over for real. He stood up with the most confused look on his face,"V-Vacation?" Beerus nodded viciously with his eyes shut and a wide smile,"That's right, this planet has some of my favorite foods, 5-15 of my top favorites!"

"Um, my lord, is that the only reason you've decided to stay here?" Ozpin asked. Beerus's happy mood dropped as he opened his eyes and narrows them,"Is that a problem Ozma?"

The Headmaster quickly dropped to his knee,"Of course, my lord! Its no problem, no problem at all! Please forgive me my lord!" Beerus went back to his close eyed smile,"Oh Ozma, I was merely playing."

Ozpin smiled nervously as he looked up,"If you had refused I would have just blown up your planet." Ozpin's smile turned into wide eyed fear.

"Now then, why don't you show me where I'll be staying for the duration of my vacation. I hope it has a good view." Beerus asked as he wrapped an arm around Ozpin and walked him towards the elevator however the only thing going through Ozpin's mind was a prayer.

'Dear Zeno help me.'

A Destructive Vacation (Beerus x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now