Chapter 3: The Cookies or Destruction

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Team RWBY, now properly in belief, followed Beerus through the forest as they took out Grimm after Grimm.

Beerus took a back seat in the slaying of Grimm, after all he was on vacation and Grimm were nothing more than pesky flies that he had to deal with.

Of course that doesn't mean that he was doing nothing either.

A few Beowulves would leap towards him, he'd scratch his ear and smack them into literal dust, a few Ursa would travel towards him, he would yawn and blast them into nothing, a few Nevermores would dive at him from above, he would sneeze them into destruction.

You get the idea.

"Are we done yet children? I'm starting to get hungry. I don't like being hungry." Beerus asked the group of four in front if him as he rubbed the top of his head with his forearm, as a cat would.

"A-Almost sir!" Weiss piped up, thoroughly terrified of Tue G.O.D as she and her other three teammates watched him go through hordes of yawning.

"Well, better sooner rather than later." The Destroyer said as he let out a yawn. "Say how much further is it till were done doing.....what were we doing again?"

Ruby cheerfully turned around,"We're clearing this forest of most of its Grimm so that we can gather supplies here some time this week. And it'll be about thirty minutes until we get to the end of the forest but we'll have to get Professor Ozpin's approval before we can leave. He doesn't want many Grimm to be left here at all."

"Ozzy's permission..... Hahahahahahahahaha! I'm not gonna sit around for his permission to leave, I'd rather wipe this forest out instead." Beerus laughed at the girl.

"Uuuuhhhhh can I convince you....not to do that?" The red hooded girl asked, which immediate perked Beerus' attention and her teammates' attention to.

"Oh, and how do you plan on doing that little girl?" Beerus asked, curious of what she could have to sway his idea of turning the forest to ash.

"I will give you cookies." The leader of Team RWBY said in such a matter-of-fact way it caused her teammates to slap themselves in the face,'We're doomed.'

But instead, it had the Destroyer intrigued. "Cookies you say? What is a ......cookie?" Ruby had found the perfect way to keep Beerus in check.


However that little fact eluded her when she found out Beerus had never had a cookie. To her that was equivalent to murder.

"You've never had a cookie?! That's horrible?!" Ruby questioned as, from what appeared to be mid air, she produced a plate full of chocolate chip cookies which were somehow still hot despite the fact that they had no way to keep food heated or a way to produce warm food.

"These are classic chocolate chip cookies. While not the best, you have to start with these to truly understand the magnificant desert that is cookies." Ruby explained, spinning around in a dramatic manner.

"Seems like you hold these cookies in high regard. But I'll have you know I've tried food from thousands of galaxies, in this universe or the next. If this doesn't meet my standards-" as Beerus was rambling the wind casually blew the steam from the cookies into the G.O.D's face, giving him a massive whiff of the delicious baked goods.

Without even finishing his sentence, Beerus yanked the plate away and began to devour the cookies at an alarming rate. "This is amazing! They appear as hard as a Zunarian's backside but crumble apart in your mouth like a Studleberry. And that sweet taste is hidden so well by the strange texture these sweets have. And....and their so warm, I wasn't expecting them to taste this way! Its magnificent!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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