Jealous (singles)

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Trusts that you won't leave him

Hes fine with you around other men

But when someone is a bit to touchy or to close he can't help but feel a bit jealous

If the same someone starts flirting with you he'll take measures into his own hands

He'll hug your waist and get all clingy

You: ishi?
Ishimaru: mine.
The other person: umm ok

The other person would then leave


Kiyondo on the other hand is clingy even without his s/o being around someone

So if someone is getting touchy with them he'll immediately gets jealous no hiding it either

But when someone straight up flirts with them he doesn't just get clingy he wants to make it obvious that they are his

(whoh yandere much-wait what am i saying im writing this)

He'll turn his s/o around by there waist and kiss them he'll stair the other person daggers after 40 seconds of kissing

Le Kiss
Kiyondo: mine.
The other person: o-ok
You: i-ishita
Kiyondo: i just wanted him to know who you belong to

The other person would most likely get scared and run away


You better hope he doesn't get jealous

Because when he gets jealous hes the type to do something that makes sure the other person won't talk to his S/O again ever

So if he sees his s/o getting flirted with will he do something about it immediately


Instead he'll wait until the persons gone then he'll walk over to his s/o pinning them to a wall

(ive never wrote stuff like this before sorry if its bad😅😅😅)

Mondo: hes gonna know your taken next time
You:what do you mean
Mondo: don't worry you'll see

To make a long story short you wnd up having a really obvious love bite and to no surprise at all the other guy never talked to you again

(Bruh im losing motivation 😅😅😅)


Poor boy thinks you don't love him anymore

After the other person leaves you he'll walk up to you in tears and ask you if you still love him and that if you think he was to weak

You immediately have to kneel to his level and comfort him telling him stuff like 'of course i still love you' and 'you are stronger than you think'

You: chihiro what happened
Chihiro:d-do you still love me are you going to leave me for him am i to weak
You: of course i still love you i would never leave you

This ends in a long cuddle session and many rounds of mario cart

(Ill finish later and if my friends are reading this HIIIIIII!!!)


He knows you won't leave him he knows you that well does that stop him from getting jealous

No, no it doesn't

If someone starts getting touchy and or flirty lets say hes practicing swings with that baceball bat (haha sangwoo)
Before walking over and pulling his
s/o behind him

Then, without sugar coating it he Bashes the other person right in the knee caps

You: leon what are you doing
Leon: don't worry babe
Knee caps bashed
You: L-Leon
Leon:what at least i didn't hit him with a baceball (im so sorry)

He'll then pick his S/O up bridal style and go somewhere private

-Gundham(oh boy here we go i simp for this man)

He's the type to hide small hints of anger

So when he sees his s/o with someone being touchy with them he takes matters into his own hands

He walks over and steps between the other guy and his s/o he then proceeds to give you the devas to distract you while he has a go at  the guy for

1. Not asking if you were taken or not
2. Not asking if you consented
3. Trying to take what was his

You:g-gundham what are you
Gundham: dark queen please hold on a minute
Other guy: and who are you
Gundham:  im this beautiful mortals other half and i want to tell you something you feind
1. Always ask if someone is taken or not
2. You should Ask for consent
3. Never try talking what is mine
You: g-gundham...

He turns around and picks you up bridal style and walks away

(Ill do kazuichi and fuyuhiko later)

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