Replaced{ishimondo X Reader

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This takes place no killing game

Warning: this story is going to have self harm, self hate, and self abuse both physically and emotionally

If you do not like this stuff please do not read this story with that out the way here we go

You had been friends with ishimaru since you were  13 and he was 14 in middle school you became friends due to you getting bullied physically

He had witnessed this and quickly ran over to help you after that you both were inseparable you slowly started having feelings for him but that was until hopes peak

No pov

Y/n was waiting for ishimaru where they normally met up it was yesterday that he declared a challenge with that mondo owada guy. When you finally saw him come over the sight you saw was Most unexpected.

Mondo owada the guy ishimaru was at war at yesterday standing right next to him. "y/n!! Bro will be hanging out with us if thats OK with you!?" kiyotaka said happily

'bro??' you thought to yourself you looked confused "i- weren't you both at each others throat yesterday???" you stated and ishimaru immediately understood your confusion

"well me and bro realised we had quite a bit in common and became friends!" ishimaru said even more cheerful

"alright then." you said calmly ishimaru and mondo then sat down with you and you realised that ishimaru and mondo were Deep in conversation with each other it felt like you didn't exist.

You thought that you should try leave early so you thought of an excuse.

" i should get going i have umm... Books to return to the library.." you lied "oh well ok then bye y/n!" kiyotaka said

'h-he knows i never go to the library..' you thought to yourself.

You saw mondo in the corner of your eye give you a look of concern that you mistaked for 'hurry and f#ck off' so you started to walk faster.

3 weeks past and you stopped going to meet them all together people started to see this as you were now an easy target

"HEY!!" b/n(bully/name)shouted you stopped and turned around and was welcomed by a fist to the stomach you heard a group of people laughing

Normally ishimaru would help you out in these situations the fact that no one helped you made you feel more replaced than you had in the past few weeks

"whats wrong you hoping for your      " friend" to come help?!" the taller male/female stated. you weakly looked up at them bleeding from the mouth from getting beat up.

"didn't he Like replace you or something." on of the girls in the group spoke up and you just felt crushed because you heard the same thing you had been dreading come from someone else.

Eventually they had enough and left you then hid in the bathroom covering your many bruises with foundation until the end of lunch then went to class.

Everyone in your class has suspicions about why some of your skin was lighter than the rest.

It was now almost home time and someone spilled water on you wiping away the foundation. (not the same people from earlier)

"oh oops sor-" they then looked distraught by all the bruises and everyone in the class gasped it was only when the teacher started walking towards you that you came back to reality.

You grabbed your bags and ran out the room straight home.

At your home

You sat on your bed you couldn't take it anymore you had been tormented and bullied for 3 weeks now

You walked to your bathroom with a razor in hand and just stared into the mirror you then took the razor to your wrists, stomach and legs

You put the bloody razor down on the bathroom counter and covered up your body you layed down in bed debating on if you should go in tomorrow or not

You woke up and decided to go in

Skip to last lesson

You could feel people staring as you rubbed your arms and legs

"today you will be getting project partners" the teacher stated and started reading out the groups

" ishimaru, mondo and Y/n"

Ishimaru and mondo looked at each other and knew they'd have to ask a few questions

Omg this took so long there will be a part 2

Total words 741

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