"I've been here before, remember," Kate smirked and Emily blushed furiously.

"Right" She was an idiot and she was making it awkward as Kate looked around the small apartment. It was white, with a light wooden floor, the couch white with grey throws launched over the back.

"I made pasta, I wasn't sure if you'd eaten," Emily admitted shamefully as the alpha turned her hands stuffed in her back pockets.

"I haven't admittedly, I ugh came from the gym," Kate explained. Emily couldn't help as her eyes rolled over the firm muscle of her toned arms.

"You're not like vegan or something because the sauce has milk in it and-"

"Emily, it's fine," Kate chuckled cutting of her rambling, "I'll eat anything at this rate."

Emily breathed a sigh of relief as she turned back to the kitchen. She plated up pasta and set it on the counter where the alpha had sat on the stool.

"So, what movie have you got planned?" Kate asked as they began to eat.

"Well, I thought of a variety but it depends on what you like," Emily explained she rattled off a number of potential films in all genres and Kate simply shrugged.

"I don't mind, just nothing heavy. I don't think my brain could take it," Kate admitted. Emily laughed clearing everything away and as they sat on the couch she set it up. They ended up watching a rom-com that Kate had never heard of. Emily felt herself relax after the first twenty minutes, Kate sat slouched beside her, her blue eyes trained on the film.

"Do you ever wonder why they do that?" Kate asked lightly.

"Do what?" Emily had missed whatever moment the alpha was referring to.

"Have the woman pine after him, like they never show his side or what he's dealing with."

"Maybe it's because it's from her point of view. I imagine if it was from him and he was the main character it would show his moral dilemmas," Emily justified, she turned back to Kate to find the alpha watching her.

"You would say that," The alpha muttered.

"What does that mean?" Emily challenged with a laugh.

"You're an art history student, you've probably done classes in film analysis," Kate argued. Emily had but she wasn't going to let that argument stand.

"Don't pick an argument you can't win or are unprepared for," Emily argued back.

"Don't quote lawyers at me," Kate warned with a smirk.

"I'm not, I'm quoting Kate at you," Emily teased. Kate chuckled as the film drew to a close it's typical ending. She watched the alpha stretch catching a brief glance at tan legs through Kate's ripped jeans.

"We should watch something else," Emily announced, not ready for Kate to leave.

"Why don't you get snacks and I'll pick something?" Emily nodded clearly not ready for what she agreed to. Emily turned as Kate paused the film and the banner for Back to the Future popped up. She hid the groan, she hated sci-fi films. Jason had made her sit through the matrix and ever since she hadn't been able to handle another.

"Do you want a drink?" She asked, "I have wine or beer or water."

"What are you having?" Kate asked as she pulled out a bottle of white wine. The alpha chuckled asking, "I'll have a beer?"

Emily handed the bottle to the alpha as she placed snacks on the small table.

"Why do you have beer, if you don't drink it?" Kate asked curiously.

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