Untitled Part 9

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Emily sighed as she sat read over the same sentence five times. She couldn't focus, she couldn't think properly. She shifted in her seat, trying to get comfy, she read it again. It still didn't make sense. She was on her fifth paper of the day unsure of how many more she had left to do. She looked over her phone, there was nothing new, something from Avery about a blind date dress option. She sighed, maybe it would have been easier to be a kept omega. No, it would have been boring and suffocating, Emily reminded herself. She hadn't seen Kate since the night she had stayed. She had thought it was weird that but as Jason had rightly reminded her that Kate would be in a rut once a month. It was only a few days but enough that she missed the morning coffee walk. She messaged Kate two days ago asking if she was ok, and she said she had been fine just busy. Maybe the alpha was avoiding her. After doing a large amount of digging and not very much work she made her way to the edge of dorms. If Kate was in rut she would smell it before she got to the room. She walked into the graduate dorms. She had been in dorms her first year but had never been in alpha dorms. She could see why the walls were something similar to her highschool bricked walls. She found the number Ash had told her and knocked on the door. For a while, she thought Kate wasn't there but she had seen the truck. She knocked louder a second time. The door opened with a wide swing,

"What?" The alpha growled a look of pure irritation on her face.

"That's a nice way to greet someone who brought you food," Emily smirked at the sight of Kate's complete mortification. Emily could smell the alpha wasn't in rut. She looked tired again, her laptop set up on a desk in the far corner of the large room.

"Sorry," Kate muttered as she let the omega in. Emily wasn't surprised that the room was large, a small kitchenette in the corner with two beds on either side of the room with two desks.

"You shouldn't have bothered trekking over to the other side of campus," Kate reassured.

"I know but I also know you went MIA for three days," Emily glanced up at the alpha.

"What happened?" Emily asked curiously as they sat on the floor as she handed the alpha the sandwiches she had picked up on the way over.

"Ugh, my paper deadline got pulled forward by my supervisor because they're going out of the country. So I've been in a mad rush to get it finished," Kate shrugged. "It's a pain in the ass," The alpha muttered.

"And here I thought it freaked you out to sleep in my bed," Emily teased. She wasn't teasing it was the truth that she had thought might have happened. Kate looked up in shock,

"What? No, that, that was fine," She finished lamely. "You're beds fine."

Emily smirked, "I'm glad you think so."

They ate as Emily caught Kate up on Jason's hangover. Omitting any detail on the third degree he gave her on having Kate stay. He had demanded she think over what was happening between them but she had simply shrugged him off, they were friends, that's all they were ever going to be. Emily left Kate that afternoon with a firm promise of movie night that Thursday. It didn't happen. Kate's rut appeared and she refused to even open the door when Emily had brought her pizza. Madi and Kate had called her an idiot for even attempting to go into the alpha dorms. The following week Emily's heat arrived and even with suppressants she spent most of the week getting off with images of dark blonde locks between her thighs or short black boxers. After the events of the weeks, Emily was in need of a drink as she walked into a bar with Madi the following Saturday.

"I feel like you need this more than me," Madi admitted as she handed the omega a shot. Emily took it not caring at this point, her week had turned into a complete mess. Not only had her heat hit she missed a deadline. Something Emily did not do. After getting it submitted and a long apology to her professor she needed a night off. Madi handed her a drink Emily didn't even care what it was,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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