Confusion of Greetings

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"Oh let me finished!" I never thought it would be so difficult to explain what happened only last night. And considering that it's barely my fault it taking so long, I must be doing something right. She preps herself and listens. "So, he then took me to London..."


"Wait. So you're telling me that Harry Styles, like the Harry Styles, took you to London because of your writer's block?" I nod to her summery.

"And and! He had this thing about keeping my hands warm."

"I can already see you to being a couple!" I wish.I would ruin his life. Plus, he's probably to busy for me. "So, why were you so late?" she said in the most calmest voice she's had since I have awoken to her face in mine.

"His car, which was actually pretty old-fashioned but very nice, broke down, so we got a repair-man and a Taxi." I like having Blomma talks. I can just unravel my self.Feels great."The traffic was terrible so we spent a few hours outside the corner shop. He was speaking about Mitch, his guitarist, and how he made Mitch laugh. It was funny seeing him be so thrilled about that. Soon, the taxi arrived and then the night ended."

Knock knock.

Emma and I race to the door in unison, our feet sliding across the wood. I just about beat her and opened the door.And boy I was not prepared.

Harry's here.

He greets me with an extremely warm hug. I've not seen what I look like, but I bet it's a state. I can't possibly look anywhere near good.I mean, I barely slept last night.I feel my face go red and I want to just sink right now. In fact, I need to sink right now.

"Hello, Blossom!" He says with my brightest smile across his face with his luminous dimples. "This must be, Emma." I'm very surprised he remembered my name or even is here today. I thought he'd forget about me.But I guess not because here he is. He walks over to Emma to shake her hand. I also notice that Emma also has a smirk on her face, making my cheeks redder. "I'm Harry nice to meet you." I probably look like a pumpkin.

But none of this links up. Why is Harry at my doorstep? He isn't meant to be here. He was supposed to forget about me. If I were him, which I'm very obviously not, I would forget about me. Another thing that makes no sense is how they've not met yet. I mean, how haven't they met if Emma knows how I got into the house. How does Emma know that the ex-bandmate of One Direction carried me to my doorstep? See, there are loads of gaps in the story that needs filling up.

"What?" Oh god, I'm back to the whats.I see them turn their face at me, Harry's face has his dimply smirk and Emma's, the most puzzled face ever. Though this time, I feel like me saying what was completely valid and 100% necessary. "This doesn't make sense. How have you not met, Emma how do you know he carried me here if you haven't greeted each over? And Harry, why haven't you forgotten about me? Why haven't you just carried on with you Harry Styles things?" I said too much.

I cover my mouth in shock of what just came out. I feel my face fade into a deeper shade of red. I bet it looks like my face is about to fall off.I feel like I'm going to cry from embarrassment. I feel my head look back up to theirs and Harry has a bigger smirk and Emma has a smirk as well. Emma walks up to me and wraps her arm around my shoulders. She chuckles. I look back to Harry and it seems like he's frozen in his steps.

"We have met, Bloss," Emma says. "He said 'hello I'm guessing this is Bloss' house as she told me-- Are you Emma Lee?' I nod and realise who he is and he says 'Hi Emma! Nice seeing you again!' It turns out that Harry and I went to primary school together, I was a year younger from him. My parents knew his parents so we just had to become friends, then I left that area and moved around here to go to High School." Well, I have a lot of things to think about now. Firstly, I'm very surprised he remembered where I lived. I would've forgotten. "He placed you on the couch and then we had a cup of tea and a catch-up. Then I said 'It was great talking to you!' then he said 'You two Emma! Talk to you soon!' before he left! That's it! The end!" She finishes her speech with jazz hands. Secondly, they went to the same school? I have so many questions but they all seem to be answered. I'm fine with the questions not being answered, though.

I nod. "Sorry for rambling," I say in my timid voice.

"And, love, how can I forget about you?" was that an insult?"I genuinely enjoyed our day in London, I could do it all over again" Same."Plus, I'd never forgot a good person." He raises on and up in the air whilst the other rests on his heart. I turn to see Emma with a gleaming smile on her face, as I feel my own face blush from Harry's statement. "Love I got to tell you two things. One thing is better than the other," I nod. "Firstly, you left your coat in the taxi but I picked it up," He passes me my coat and I reply with a thank you. "The second thing is, I got two tickets to this couples cooking show." Well, I'm not a couple with him. And I will blow the place down. I'm really terrible at cooking."So, I was thinking, you and I can go and Emma and whoever she decides to bring can go!"

I'd love to but I am terrible at cooking. I will kill somebody If I do go.

"Thanks, Harry but I'll have to pas--"

"Yes, yes we'll go," Emma says, she turns to me and says "Won't we" I give her the death stare before she continues "What time, what do we bring, what are we making?" Bubbly Emma's back.

"It starts at 5 pm so, we still have time. And I still don't know what we have to make, but we'll have to find out."

Once again I'm left completely bewildered by Mr Harry Styles.

Rule number 1321, Never Cook.

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