No more Dead days

Start from the beginning

"Just wait. I don't know if this will work, but... Oh, she's here!" Peter exclaimed, looking at the entrance to the alley.

"Who is --" Pool said and turned to look. His jaw dropped open.

"What are you --?" Wade asked and was struck dumb.

The woman walked toward them, talking to a short man. "I don't understand why I have to do a rehearsal. I have done thousands of these shows..." Her voice was iconic.

"It's just for the technical parts of the show--" the aide began when his eyes fell on the two Deadpools, both in their suits and katanas and he squeaked to a halt. 

The woman saw the waiting trio and stopped. Her tall frame had stooped a little with age, but she had the same pewter halo of curls as always and she was wearing something so quintessentially herself that Peter would have recognised her even if he hadn't seen her face.

"Oh. My. God!" Wade squealed and made a beeline to her, stopping to hover in front of her, wringing his hands.

"I can't believe it! Ms Arthur! I'm your biggest fan!" Pool said, his posture identical to Wade's, both slack jawed behind their masks.

"I'm your biggest fan! I adore you!" Wade cried and dropped to his knees, reaching out for ms Arthur's hand, which Pool instantly copied.

"What the hell...?" ms Arthur swore, startled to be suddenly accosted by two large, dangerous looking men, both clad in red and black leather.

"I'm so sorry ms Arthur, they're just so excited to meet you," Peter said softly.

Ms Arthur finally noticed him and did a double take. "Spider-man? You know these... gentlemen?" She tried to extradite her hands to no avail. Each hand was held gently but firmly by one of the men, both still making high pitched noises of adoration at her.

"They're harmless, honest," Peter said with as much warmth and authority as he could.

Ms Arthur was a class act and she had a spine of steel. "What is your name, young man. Men," she corrected.

"I'm Deadpool, ma'am," Pool whispered reverentially and bowed.

Wade smacked him on the hip. "Wade Wilson, at your service, ma'am."

"Ms Arthur, 10 minutes to rehearsal," her aide reminded him.

"You have to go," Wade exclaimed and dropped her hand which he had been stroking reverentially.

"Where are you going?" Pool asked, looking like it was Christmas and puppies and rainbows all at once.

"Ms Arthur has a stage show tonight. I tried to get you two tickets, honestly I did, but it was apparently sold out in minutes..." Peter said.

"It's alright baby boy, this has been more than I could ever have imagined," Wade said, practically thrumming with excitement.

"I want to show you your namesakes --" Pool started.

"No!" Peter cried.


"Absolutely not," Peter said firmly.

Bea Arthur frowned, then took a step toward the stage door. "It has been... hmmm," she said and walked through the door the terrified aide was holding open.

Pool flopped to the ground and rolled around, squeeing.

Wade hugged the building. "She's in there," he whispered with awe.

The door opened again and a bored looking stagehand came out and looked at the two Wades. "Wow. Um, I have two tickets here for a mr .. ah, Pool? And a mr Wilson?"

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