I opened my mouth but closed it as quickly. He had a fair point - we did get into a tight spot a little too often. I still had to defend myself if I had to prove that I wasn’t as much of a dumb beast as Namjoon was making my kind sound.

“Granted, most of us aren’t the brightest but trust me, I have nothing against Seokjin. I’m definitely not trying to eat his liver or whatever you think it is we do.”

“Save it,” he said curtly, turning away.

Only then did I notice that he had stopped next to a modest grey Suzuki. He fished for its keys on Seokjin’s person - which wasn't exactly an elegant task - but he finally succeeded and unlocked the car. I made a half-decent attempt at not looking famished as he carefully placed Seokjin in the backseat and shut the door. It sort of stinged that that was the reason for him to stop and not my constant badgering.

“Are you going to base your entire impression of me just on the basis of my species?” I asked, crossing my arms.

My question only drew a blank stare from the man, leaned back against the car. He considered me, wondering if he should confide any more information to me. It wasn’t atypical of guardian spirits to act the way he did; after all, I was a predator. And Seokjin - he was my prey.

I didn’t want Namjoon to know that he was a special kind of prey. That would only complicate matters and when that happened, it would take an excruciating amount of time. Time wasn’t on my side, in this case.

“Is this your first time hunting?” He casually asked.

My mouth fell open. The audacity. “Of course not.”

“Ah, that helps speed things up. That means you know the exact effects your hunting has on your, ah, prey.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Yes, they suffer a temporary heartache. Nothing a few months of distance can’t cure.”

Namjoon’s smile was a wry one. “‘Nothing a few months of distance can’t cure’,” he repeated. “Interesting. Tell me, have you ever - I don't know - considered the long lasting effects of such actions?"

I tilted my head, wondering where he was getting into. Since he elicited no response, he continued.

“Two years ago, Seokjin was the target of another Gumiho. She was a fully equipped one too, nine tails and all. I thought that those types didn't really need to hunt; I assumed that he was, well, safe. It didn’t help that it was my first year, naive as I was. I ignored all the red flags - Seokjin coming home tired after every date, his deteriorating happiness, his passion, everything. She sucked the life out of him, in classic style. And in four months’ time, she broke his heart in the worst possible way. She “accidentally” got herself caught. Do you want to know how she did it?”

I didn't answer. That didn't stop him from answering.

"Seokjin saw her dining with her spouse and children. So, that was the last straw."

I clucked my tongue. “Stupid lady, she should’ve resorted to ghosting.”

Namjoon turned sharply. “And that’s better, you’d say? Do you now see how selfish and horrible you all are? Emotional manipulation - that’s how you work."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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