
754 19 10

Book Name - Turnpike

Author - simonesaidwhat


My Review :

I can't believe Wattpad still has beautiful books like this one for free. This book is so amazing and just makes me want to read again even though there is a high possibility that I will die due to cardiac arrest while doing so. My heart literally skipped a beat after every half a sentence.

Simone's writing style is so beautiful that I just can't get enough of it. The way she tells a story in each sentence and sometimes in between the sentences, especially in this book, is mind-blowing. I wish to write like her one day.

Honestly, I couldn't understand the characters at first but as the story progressed and everything started coming together I couldn't stop this lump forming in my throat.

I read this book a few months back and every time I see this book it still makes my heart go crazy.

This book is art.

And I don't think words can appreciate it enough.


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