Chapter 1

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Harry is finally happy to be off punishment program and be home, he wants to speak to his dad about punishment and change how it works, so he walked to his father's study in black sanctuary and knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"Come in" said Regulus as he heard a knock on the door.

Harry entered his father's study and sat down in the chair in front of his dad's desk. "Dad

Can I talk to you please?"

"Yes son, what is it?"

"can we save the cane for serious offences when I need to be punished, because it really hurts and I talked to uncle Sirius about it and he said it should be saved for when I do something really seriously wrong and then the strap, the slipper and ruler for minor offences, yes they hurt but not as much as the cane. I think that is why I ended up having to go on punishment program because you used the cane an awful lot and I rebelled against you"

"I agree son that is where it went wrong, but hear me now I will still be strict with you just because I will not be using the cane as often doesn't mean you will get away unpunished and the XBOX stays off until all homework and school work is finished and check by me or you mother and the limit is still an hour a day understood?

"Yes dad, thanks May I go now I want to use the lab to brew some potions, oh dad can you do a mastery why still in school"

"Yes why"

"Can you arrange for me to do my potions mastery then under professor Snape?"

"I will speak to him but no promises"

Snape manor

Severus is sitting by the fire read when Regulus comes through the floo. "What do I owe the pleasure of this visit Regulus?"

"I came here to ask you something and you have the right to refuse that is fine"

"What is it?"

"Are you willing to take on an apprentice to teach potions to?"

"You have found an apprentice worth my time"

"yes, my son is looking to complete his mastery why in school he has already gotten his O.W.L's and N.E.W.T's in potions and would like to do his mastery while in school and then take over from you when he finishes school as he knows you hate teaching"

"Ok tell him I will take him on but I expect nothing but the best from him"

Black sanctuary

"Harry Severus has accepted you as his apprentice you will do nothing but your best understood" Regulus said as he went into the lab.

"harry doesn't reply as his potion needs his full attention after it is simmering harry turns to his dad "sorry if it seemed I was ignoring you but the potion needed my full attention I will do my best in my mastery I promise and I am still going to school"

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