chapter 8

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Harry walks into his mums study but doesn't go into the corner he starts pacing back and forwards and then starts ranting while his mum just watches waiting for him to calm down.

"it was too much to fucking ask that I get some peace and quiet too much to fucking ask that I get a break. DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!!!" harry shouts  

At that point Delores decides to step in "ok young man that is enough sit down and tell me what in merlins name is going on right now" 

"sorry mum but I was in my lab having some brewing time to destress after grading and teaching all week when I walked into my bedroom to find Melvin destroying it then he tried to blackmail me by saying he was going to tell dad that I slapped Severus and swore at him which I was going to tell dad myself after I had calmed down and distressed so I wouldn't get myself in more trouble but no my big mouth brother shouted it out for all to hear and now I'm in bigger trouble" harry takes a breath then gets up out of the chair and walks over to the fireplace and grabs the floo powder pot off the mantel place.

"just where do you think you are going" asks Delores.

"I'm sorry I can't do this right now I'm going to lord black's for two weeks tell dad that Severus is going to have to cover my classes and that I will be back when I'm more in control of my anger because if I stay here I'm only going to get in more trouble or end up killing Melvin as he has zero respect for me as his older brother and professor and I have had enough of his disrespect. I intend on informing lord black of the whole story and my wrong doings in this situation and let him deal with it as the head of our family as I can't keep going like this something has to give"harry replies as he goes threw the flew to black manor.

when he arrives at black manor he calls a house elf to ask where lord black is, when he is told he is in his office he walks down the corridors to lord blacks office and knocks on the door when he is told to enter he goes in.

"Lord Black, I hope I am not interrupting anything but this is urgent family business that can't wait"

"Harrison what is so urgent it could not wait until our family meeting next week"

"well I'm kind of in trouble..."

"you either are in trouble or you are not which is it" replies lord black sternly

"I am but its a long story I will start with my part in it, I was teaching and Severus walks in and tells my class I don't know what I'm talking about and that they should be learning something else so I slapped him and swore at him but it was in front of my whole class, then I went to calm down in my lab and take a nap then I was planning on telling dad what I did and take my punishment for it but when I walked into my bedroom Melvin was destroying it then when I told him he would be cleaning it he tried to blackmail me by saying he would tell dad about me slapping Severus and swearing at him but dad had already heard us yelling from his study and came to see what was going on so heard the whole thing and told us to go to his study and stand in a corner. I then told dad I was not going to his study I was going to mums as if I was in the same room as Melvin I was going to knock his head off his shoulders and flush it down the toilet and I said a few swear words and was disrespectful to dad."

"ok it sound like our family meeting needs to happen today, how long were you planing to stay here by the way?" says Sirius 

"I told mum I was staying here for two weeks to get my anger under control as something had to give I'm so stressed out I can't take anymore I feel like I'm on the verge of having a nervous breakdown"

"seeing his nephew on the edge of breaking down Sirius switches From lord black to uncle Sirius instantly.

"come here harry Sirius says gently 

harry goes into his uncles arms and just cries for twenty minutes when he is finished and feels calmer he stands up and waits for his uncle to switch back in lord black mode as he calls it

"ok harry I'm going to call this family meeting now and I'm going to deal with everything" Sirius says while rubbing his lord ring he shouts family meeting black manor now.


Once everyone has arrived Lord Black starts the meeting 

"right I have heard many things that have distressed me greatly this family stands for honour and respect and from what I have heard there hasn't been a lot of that, Melvin black  your disrespect of your brother and professor end now he is your superior and you will show him respect whether you like it or not do I make myself clear?"

"yes, sir I'm sorry harry I will show more respect towards you from now on"

"next topic Harrison regulus black I understand you are stressed and under pressure to complete your apprenticeship  but that does not give you the right to slap and swear at a fellow teacher and superior and in front of student no less unacceptable. you will be punished by me and you will be staying here for three weeks instead of two to get your anger under control I will be teaching you better ways to deal with it am I clear young man"

"yes, sir" replies harry 

" And finally regulus arcturus black you know damn well that if Harrison had told me what he was going to do when I issued a punishment he would find himself over my desk for a sound thrashing, why you only gave him one swat is beyond  me you better start acting like the father I know you can be or you will find yourself bent over my desk for a spanking yourself.

"ok with that said I need to speak to both Melvin and Harrison privately meeting  adjourned"

Harrison I would like you to stand in the corner while I deal with Melvin, Melvin come here and bare your bottom

Melvin goes to Sirius and bares his bottom and bends over for his spanking and Sirius does not disappoint he has decided to spank Melvin with the ruler  and he spanks him hard when he is done he lifts Melvin up and gives him a hug before speaking  to him again 

"No more disrespect  towards your brother or professors understood"

"yes, sir"

"then we are done here you may go back home and straight to your room and you can consider yourself grounded for three weeks normal conditions apply during  your grounding"

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