chapter 9

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three weeks later 

harry is still trying to get control of his anger he has tried everything from duelling and throwing curses at anything that moves but he still can't get over what Melvin did and he is frustrated  with everything and he is still not even half way through his punishment that Sirius had dealt out to him when he suddenly comes across a book about mind arts and starts reading it when he comes across a term called occlumency and gets up to go and find his uncle.

finding his uncle in his study he asks him to explain occlumency to him and the process of learning it. when his uncle is finished explaining the process he goes into the corner of his uncles study and starts meditating to begin the process of learning occlumency he starts by processing his memories and locking them into different containers and putting both muggle and magical locks on the containers then putting those containers behind strong magical wards finally feeling tired he stops for the day.

"uncle sirius can you check to see if i have done it right i have made a start"

when sirius is finished checking his nephews mind he finds that the start of his defences are good and he is basically a natural occlumens and he will have no trouble learning and controlling his anger once he masters the craft.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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