Reconnecting {14}

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, when you're close-ish to the ground, the gods above seem to hate you and hope you die— it starts absolutely pouring. The clouds didn't even give you a warning with a single drop, just straight, harsh rain beating down on you.

"YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME! FUCK YOU!" You scream and flip off the clouds, never having been so angry at an inanimate object before.

You pull off your hood so the water can hit your face and you look down into the gaping hole that is now filling with water. Quick too.

"Fuck- fuck- bitch- shit- fuck- shit- shit- bitch-" You let your mouth run and attempt to scramble up the side of the dirt wall that you're already halfway down.

Now you really start wondering how your I.Q is apparently so high after you just decided to go into a death trap right before a thunderstorm.

You're climbing up as quickly as you can, slightly slipping on the wet rocks and the walls that are now mushy and slick due to the water. It's barely even allowing you to hold on.

Then, as if the night couldn't get any worse, you grab the top of the cliff and the dirt gives way, causing you to fall into the rough, rushing water below you.

Almost immediately your body is thrown around in the cold, rough water and you hit a ridged rock. This causes the hood of your jacket to get caught on one of the sharp edges and you start choking as it strangles your neck. Being underwater doesn't exactly help the situation.

You claw at the collar of your jacket, attempting to relieve even some of the pressure but it's no use and instead, the skin of your neck gets cut by your nails.

A couple of minutes go by and your head is pounding, every cell in your body is screaming for oxygen. You've held your breath before obviously, but this isn't the same. This is like having a gun held to your head telling you that you can't breathe.

Red and black spots dance in front of your eyes. You've forgotten if your eyes are open or closed anymore and your body is begging for you to take a breath.

But you can't.

Yet, just as you think you're in your final moments, the deities seem to forgive you.

An extremely strong surge of water hits your body and the whole back of your top, including your hood, is ripped off, finally releasing you from the rock.

Almost immediately you pop back to the top of the water, gasping for the air you most desperately needed. But again, you're pulled back under, flailing your arms and kicking your feet against the extremely rough water.

As you bob between the surface you see a fallen tree trunk coming directly toward you. You reach for your katana so that you can shove it into the wood and stop yourself. But when you grab it, you grab nothing.

"No, no, no, no, no, no-" You babble and look in all directions, looking for the sword that means more than the world to you.

You spot a reflection of light and you immediately know it's what you're looking for. So you somehow muster up the strength to swim after it, going against the current.

Your legs kick harder than ever before moving your tired body. When you finally reach the sword you reach your arm out as far as you can, grabbing it blade-first and cutting your palm open in the process. You wince in pain at the edge being carved into your skin but you can't afford to lose time.

Yet, just as you try to puncture the wood to stop yourself, you hit your head on a rock and everything goes black. No noise. No feeling. Nothing.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

His Traitor ➪ 𝘬. 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 [lemons]Where stories live. Discover now