GF/N : Keiji, you look so excited

Akaashi: ah yes, I mean I can finally meet Y/N. I hope she's alright now

GF/N : Uh oh right Y/N, thank god she's fine now. ( she gave Akaashi a wry smile) you must be happy to see her tomorrow huh?

Akaashi looks at his girlfriend's eyes and showed her a smile she never saw before. A genuinely happy smile.

Akaashi : yes, after all, I miss her.


■Akaashi POV■

The bell to the first class almost ring. I look at Y/N's desk behind me, she's not here yet. Maybe she's not going to school right away after just got out of the hospital. I'll just go drop by her house after practice.

The bell finally rings, and Y/N didn't come to school again today. My homeroom teacher came, everyone goes back to their chair. I'm looking outside the window, the sky is kind of dark. Is it going to rain? Will it be stormy? Y/N hates stormy day, she's scared of thunder. When the teacher starts talking I'm still looking out, but I listen to what he said.

Teacher : we just got the news that L/N Y/N will no longer be studying in Fukurodani.

I turn my head to the teacher, can't believe what I've just heard.

Teacher : her family suddenly moved to another city, let's don't be sad and wish L/N the best in her new place


I raised my hands up and excuse myself to the bathroom. The teacher let me, then I hurriedly go out of the classroom. I run to the end of the empty hallways and get into the bathroom. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dial Y/N's number.

Bot: The number you're calling no longer in use


I look for her father's chatroom and text him.

From : Akaashi
Mr. L/N, is anything happened? Why did you guys suddenly move away?

I press the send button and wait for it to be delivered, but. "Unable to send", what the hell? I dial the number instead

Bot : The number you're calling no longer in use

The hand that I used to hold my phone to my ears, fall to my side.

I went back to the classroom and sit at my desk, but I can't concentrate at all. I look at the bag of snacks under my table next to my bookbag.


My body is trembling, my heart beats faster and I'm sweating. Did they really move away? Why can't I reach them? The entire class passes without me realized it.

I haven't seen you in a while

When the school bell ring, sign that the school has ended. I stood up and grab my book bag and snack bag. I run to my locker and changed into my outdoor shoes. I think I see Bokuto san from the corner of my eyes but I want to go somewhere.

Bokuto : heyheyhey Akaashii, let's go to- oi oi Akaashi where are you going?

I heard Bokuto san shouting at me when I run out of the school ground. Aren't I supposed to be the calm type of guy, why can't I think straight right now? Well of course my bestfriend suddenly moving away without telling me and I can't even call her whole family member. My feet move on their own, taking me to Y/N house.
My body stops in front of the house. The gate is closed, the lamp is not on either. Just when I'm about to reach the gate to open it.

Random Granny: Oh my, Keiji kun what are you doing here?

Akaashi : uh, Y/N didn't come to school today so I thought I might...

Random Granny: What, you didn't know? They moved out two days ago.

I'm sorry that you couldn't see her. Her mom and I are grateful that you're Y/N's friend

I remember her father's last message to me. Is he apologizing not because I can't see her at the hospital before, but because they're going to move away? Why didn't they tell me?

I walk back to the school ground, basically dragging my feet to the gym. When I'm about to reach the gym, water starts falling. It's raining hard by now, by the time I got in the gym. The practice almost started, some of the members are still fooling around or sitting on the ground. They look at me who just got in, my shoulder is kind of wet.

Konoha : Akaashi, it's rare to see you come at this time. Usually, you're quite early

Sarukui : whoa, what's with those snacks.

I give the snacks to them. And they thanked me, but wondering why they're all strawberry flavour? I walk towards the changing room when Bokuto san Called.

Bokuto : Akaashi where have you been? Why did you give these snacks to us? Isn't it for L/N chan?

I stiffened at the mention of her name.

Akaashi : you can eat it, she's no longer in Fukurodani.

I walk away leaving the rest of the team wondering about what I mean. I already changed and about to leave the club room when I saw the team photo. Y/N there lining with all of the managers and coaches.

Are you alright?

Why did you leave so suddenly?

Why can't I reach you?


I miss you

All Over Again ( Akaashi X Reader )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ