chapter 3, cheers

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9:20 pm

Drugs. Alcohol. Two things that the world hates. The thing is, they can destroy you but make u feel the most amazing things at the same time. I didn't care about the outcome. It's nobody's problem but mine and I choose to let myself fall apart.

Jeffrey and Cara are picking me up because I cant open the gates without my dad knowing so I have to climb the fence secretly. I dont really care what he has to say but I also dont feel like listening to him argue about what I should do with my life.

I decided to go with a bolder choice of makeup tonight. I had red and black eyeshadow with an eyeliner wing, dark red  lipstick that brings out the ocean blue in my eyes. I'm wearing a simple white dress that goes to my mid thigh. i decided to straighten my hair because its never straight.

I caught myself thinking about Harry Styles again, The way I could see it in his eyes that he was guilty and didn't regret it, but whatever Odell did he definitely deserved it. I dont know why but it feels like I know this. I was hoping I was right because theres no way he's not guilty so he either killed Chance for no reason at all or i'm right and he had a good reason.

I believe there is some ways murder can be justified. My family doesn't agree but I certainly don't care about what they think considering i'm not even aloud to know about what they do for a living.

I got Caras text saying shes waiting down the street. I held my heels in my hand so nobody would here me walking because the whole floor is marble, which is annoying. I made it outside and grabbed the edge of the stone wall guarding my house and threw my bag and shoes to the other side, I then pulled my body over and jumped to the other side and picked up my things.

"ready" Cara said as she turned on the radio. we drove down a road on the east side of denver thats in the city, listening to Cupids ChokeHold . 

We arrived at a tall bull that I assume leads to a penthouse. In the elevator I could hear the music loud and clear, thats how loud it was. It was a party only for Eastsiders meaning if a West side family was seen there security would have them thrown out. In denver, party's dont mix. So if an East side family had a party West siders aren't aloud there.

I walked out of the elevator and quickly noticed the room was red- like everything was red. Led lights were lined in every room to keep the mood that they were going for. The whole penthouse smelled like sex and drugs. When we arrived the three of us parted ways as I  went to find a few dealers because I had a couple hundreds in my wallet and I wanted to spend it. Jeffery was out so my only other option was Ryan.

I found Ryan in the corner of the room with two raven haired girls on his lap.

"Rowan Carter!" he said with a joyful grin. "anything I can do for you mam?" he asked me, pushing the two females off of his lap.

"I need a gram of coke and three of molly" I said handing him two hundred dollar bills. He didn't ask anything else he just handed me a tiny bag of white powder and my grams of molly.

I went to the bathroom and poured the powder on the counter and lined it up with my fingers. I used a hundred to snort it up my nose. I tilted my head back as I  felt the burn in my nostrils. i put the extra powder back in the bag and got out a gram of molly. I opened the capsule pill and lined the powder that fell from it, I used the same hundred to snort it up
my nose and I didn't feel as much as a burn. I put the extra drugs in my bag. Cara walked into the bathroom and I handed her the bag with the extra coke and she easily snorted it.

I snapped a picture of me and Cara before we left the bathroom

I left the bathroom with Cara following and I went up to the bar and ordered six shots and gave three to Cara and three for myself

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I left the bathroom with Cara following and I went up to the bar and ordered six shots and gave three to Cara and three for myself.

4:32 am

I woke up on the floor of the penthouse that was once lit red and realized my father would be waking up to check on me in about an hour. If I got caught he would amp up my security again and I finally feel normal again so I had to get home.

I tried to wake up Cara but she was fast asleep on top of Jeffrey Williams brother. I realized my best hope was to call an uber and wait outside.

I called an uber and they said my driver would be there in 20 minutes so I walked outside and sat on a bench. I was lucky I had a secret phone for sneaking out or I would've gotten caught a while ago. I leave the phone with a tracker on it at home and I take my extra phone without a tracker on it everywhere.

I pulled out an unopened pack of cigarettes and lit one.

I cant believe I slept on that dirty floor while high. Pretty sure I was drunk too but I dont know. The lit up buildings during the dark night were so pretty. I wish I could live in this part of town.

Suddenly my uber pulled up. I got in the back of the silver car and handed the driver a twenty.

The drive was pretty silent and peaceful because I just stared at the sky from the window while I listened to the radio playing 1980's music at full volume.

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