The Introduction

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Picture of Kyle


"See you later, Iris" I said coldly before going to the lockers at the right of the schoolyard.

While undressing I looked at my naked body, a lean body I felt wasn't mine; it had slightly ripped abs, broad shoulders and muscled pectorals. Indeed I had been a fat kid for as long as I could remember. Always hating my body and envying anyone with a better body.

Being fat had emotionally scarred me during my early teenage years, as I never used to go talk to people out of fear of being called fat or getting laughed at. But I had lost over fifty pounds these past nine months and felt myself opening up and becoming more and more like my true self; I became able to talk to random strangers easily without fear or stress.

Girls also seemed to have changed the way they used to talk to me, some of them were blushing. Others like Iris always told me how handsome I became.

As I was making sure yet again that this body was mine I smiled and found that my other classmates were all looking at me with wide eyes.

"Oh right they never saw me naked before this, this must come as a shock to them, considering how fat I used to be" I thought still smiling.

"Do you want a picture Aaron?" I asked teasing mercilessly, the latter was staring at me with wide eyes and as I spoke his opened jaw turned into a smile.

"Yeah, sure I'm all horny now" he said trying to be funny, but yet again he failed in his attempt to appear straight and had once more backed my guess of his sexuality.

"If you get horny, here's a tree branch you can stick up your ass. You're not exactly my type" I answered making my other two classmates: Morris and Ridge laugh hysterically at him.

Satisfied by how awesome my comeback was I turned to my bag pack searching for my shirt.

"Uh... excuse me" said a male voice behind my back; startled a bit I turned around still shirtless and to my greatest surprise it was him: the blonde haired gorgeous guy.

"Y-Yeah, what do you want?" I asked bemused "Uh... the sports teacher actually sent me to call one of you at her side. There's...uh... something she wants from you" he answered completely ignoring the other guys, looking only at me.

Seeing as how the others haven't even started changing I went ahead and volunteered.

"Wait a bit I'll just put on this jacket..." I started, but the boy smiled widely and interrupted me "I'll wait, it's no problem".

Why did he want to wait for me? Isn't he just a messenger? Well whatever. "Okay, ready" I said to the blonde haired guy who was looking down while I was getting dressed.

Walking beside him to where the coach was started off awkwardly as I almost stomped on his foot and started to feel stressed. But then I took a deep breath and decided to calm down a bit.

"Kyle" I said to myself "Get a grip, this dude is straight and definitely not interested into you, plus he seems like a really decent guy. And this might be an opportunity to see if I can make conversation with someone who isn't a girl or gay". Encouraged by my own pep talk I took the initiative in our discussion.

"Hey, so are you a new student?" I asked curiously. The boy seemed shocked to hear me talking and even looked nervous for a little while.

"Yeah, I just transferred from this private school. Since I just moved in with my sister who lives near here, I decided to try out public schools." He answered excited; he seemed like he was only waiting for something to talk about.

"I... uh also got sick of the whole private school system, it's so repetitive and dull" he continued talking in a really fast fashion.

"Ah, okay that's pretty cool man, uh... Me on the other hand I've never tried out private school systems and had to endure this public crap for over 5 years now. And believe me it gets just as dull and boring" I answered. "Oh! By the way, I'm Kyle" I finished giving him my right hand.

He just smiled nervously looking a bit taken aback "R-Ryan... Nice to meet you" he answered. But as I was too preoccupied with staying cool I didn't notice his nervousness.

"I love your name Kyle... It's so cool" said Ryan smiling at me. He suddenly looked full of confidence and I couldn't help but think about how handsome he looked.

"H-Ha... I guess you're right. I love my name too" I answered smiling at him. Ryan burst out before holding my right hand.

"You love your own name, huh?"

"Mister Adams, hurry it up will you!" shouted my P.E teacher.

"I don't have the ability to fly, bitch" I whispered angrily. The sports teacher was quite the manly woman; she had a very hurtful sense of humor and a loud mouth.

"Sorry" said Ryan taking his arm off mine. I was heading her way in a speedy walk.

"Adams, this here is a concerned father who wanted his son to be shown the school, and since he didn't want to bother any of the school staff..." started the coach.

"You want me to go give him a tour, right?" I asked interrupting her.

"Hi, take good care of my son will you?" said Ryan's father smiling at me.

"Sure thing, sir." I answered politely.

"Let's just go" Ryan said seeming annoyed.

I smiled back at his father who I found also very handsome and well preserved for someone older.

"Sorry about this"

"About what?" I asked curiously. Ryan seemed a bit taken aback by my question and took his time before answering.

"I... My dad's so stupid... He insisted on me having a tour of the school before we leave... And well he also insisted on it being a student so that I would make at least one friend here"

Ryan seemed really uncomfortable like he was ashamed of what he was saying. But I just looked at him smiling "I don't think you're gonna have a hard time finding friends" I replied still smiling.

He smiled at me almost instantly and unlike before his smile seemed affectionate almost like a sad smile.

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