The Problems Of Wearing Tight Pants

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It was him, I'd recognize that voice anywhere. It wasn't exactly sleepy, but it was a bit bored and slow, but in a sexy way.

His perfect smile greeted me and his ocean blue eyes were just as charming and deep as before ;they never looked so much like the surface of the sea.

"Hey come on, I've already set up your table, stop with the fi--" I heard uncle Francois before his voice was lost.

He must have been contemplating God's gift to man: Ryan... well women actually oh and guys who are attracted to other guys.

"R-Ryan, hey what are you doing here?" I asked feeling the awkwardness enveloping my whole body.

"Studying the fish of an aquarium in the middle of a gourmet restaurant... isn't that obvious?" He asked raising his eyebrow. Oh, he's in sarcastic douche mode again. Well at leat he looked cute even when he was being sarcastic.

"Monsieur Anderson, what are you doing here?" I glanced at uncle François who seemed just as affected as me, if not more.

Uncle François is gay, there I said it. Do I have to spell it out for ya?

As I looked at my uncle, I saw that Wendy had already went to sit down at our table.

Shit, I need to snap out of this stupid reverie, I'd better get back to my senses and stop drooling. I have a very hot date waiting for me--

And so does he apparently.

A red head had walked besides him holding his hand. She had emerald green eyes, tiny deep red lips, and surprisingly no freckles, unless she wore make up which I knew she has. All girls like her wore make up. It was Jenna, Iris's ex-best friend who had slept with almost everyone at school including Iris's first ever boyfriend.

God I hated her! What was Ryan doing, going out with trash like that?

Apparently she didn't recognize me and smiled meretriciously at me, licking her lips. Good God, get her out of my sight.

"Well see you later. I have to--" I said pointing at Wendy.

Ryan followed my fingers to the right and as his eyes met Wendy's he bit his lower lip, clearly showing his discontentment.

"So I guess it's too full, huh? Guess we'll have to come back. Oh well" he shrugged.

Uncle Francois then bolted his way grabbing Ryan's hand rather dramatically.

"No, euh... we have empty seats, right over---" his eyes went around as he looked desperately searching for a free table.

He then stopped and looked at me, a smile spreading across his face.

"How would you two feel about a double date?" he asked still holding Ryan's hand.

Ryan noticed I was glancing at his hands and finally broke free of uncle François's grip.

"I wouldn't t mind" Ryan shrugged turning to Jenna.

"Yeah sounds like fun, the more the merrier" she replied winking at me.

And that is why I hate her type... flirting with guys while you're on a date, that's just gross.

"I guess it's fine" I sighed as I saw how desperate my uncle looked; Ryan or most likely his father must be a pretty big customer, if he was getting this worked up over it.

"Let me just check with my date" I sighed heading for Wendy.

She was chewing on a few bread-sticks, looking pretty annoyed.

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