Ur So Gay

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait, my mind was going blank and I couldn't get things right, sorry if some parts seem oddly written, I had to fight through my writer's block. Anyways read on :D


Kyle's P.O.V:

"Where the hell have you been? Fuck, I thought you did something stupid." I said as I hurried over to hug Joseph. He shot me a confused look and patted my back awkwardly.

"As much as I like this, I don't think you should be hugging me like this; your crush's right behind us." he whispered in my ear. I let go of him and studied his expression, he wasn't mad or sad, in fact he looked kind of happy. Was he really so tough as not to get affected by what happened? Or was he just pretending?

" You actually missed me today." Joseph cooed smiling, Was he blushing?

"Um... I'm just gonna... yeah I'm gonna go." Ryan said suddenly. I turned around and remembered how serious Ryan had been, he was trying to tell me something important, and I completely cut him off. I can be so freaking rude sometimes.

"No, you didn't tell me what was going on, you-"

"It's okay, it can wait... you guys clearly have some more important stuff to discuss." Ryan had finished changing and was heading for the fields.

"Sorry, man... And I just want you to know, I'm okay with... who you are." he continued patting Joseph's shoulder on his way out.

I smiled at his comment; he wasn't a homophobic asshole after all. This morning when we first met, I thought he was gonna be a jerk about things, and I decided to ignore him, but as it turns out he was actually open-minded.

Joseph was looking at me a confused expression on his face. Clearly I wasn't the only one shocked by how cool Ryan was about this, maybe most guys won't have a problem with this after all. I had spent all day looking for him, at his house, in the mall and in the park, so I didn't exactly know how people reacted to this; when I had arrived this morning the principal had already made sure all students were in class.

"O...kay what was that about?"

"Well I think he just said he's cool with you being, um... gay."

Joseph dropped the plastic bag he was holding and looked at me horrified.

"W-What, how- wait what? How the hell does he know about that? Did you tell him? Oh my God if you did I'm so gonna kill you." Joseph was panicking, he was shaking and his breathing started getting uneven.

I was confused at first, but then it hit me, maybe he didn't know about the posters after all. "Where have you been all day?"

Joseph glared at me before he sighed "I was with coach shopping for some equipment, we went to have lunch and lost track of time I guess... But don't change the subject, did you tell him about me?"

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