2. Practice

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I sat down on a bench, waiting for this Coach Ukai to show up. The gym started to fill-up with other volleyball members. Most of them were tall, but there was one short one who was uncontrollably loud and talkative. He looked at me.

"Hot girl!" he pointed.

I froze. All eyes were on me.

"What a babe!" a boy with a shaved head responded.

The two were coming over - rather fast actually - crap!

"Hold up guys!" I heard a voice to the right of me. It was Sugawara. "You'll scare her."

The boys stopped, frozen in mid air. Is that even possible?!

"Suga, how do you know such a babe?" the short one asked, eagerly.

"Um... I bumped into her on the way here." he replied. "She's waiting for Coach Ukai."

"What?! Coach Ukai knows her too? Does everyone know this hottie except me?" the short one moaned. He had a blonde streak down the middle of his spiked hair, and I couldn't help but chuckle. Japanese kids sure have some interesting hairstyles. "I'm Nishinoya! I'm the libero! Nice to meet you, gorgeous!"

"I'm Tanaka! You can call me Tanaka-senpai!" the other joined in. 

"Yay! Volleyball practice!" a short, orange haired boy jumped into the gym.

"Where's our royal highness?" the tall, blonde boy asked. "Is he too busy polishing his crown to join his team for practice?"

"Kageyama is staying a bit late with sensei because he failed an exam!" the tangerine kid looked at me. 

"Who's that? S-she's so pretty!" he blurted out which made me laugh. 

Suddenly all the boys were surrounding me, except the tall, skinny one with glasses, but I could tell he was looking at me in his peripheral vision.

"Guys, calm down!" Sugawara interjected. What a life saver. "She's just here to interview Coach Ukai."

"Interview?! We're famous!"

"Wow that's amazing!"

"Are we gonna be on TV? What channel?"

"I-I..." I stammered. A bunch of high school boys, surrounding me. This is so overwhelming!

"Guys! Give her space, please," a strong, deep-voiced boy with short hair shouted. He had his hands on hips, and everyone listened. "I'm sorry about that. They're usually not like this- actually, well, they are. My name is Sawamura Daichi. I'm the captain of the team. And I've seen you meet our vice-captain, Suga. Thank you for coming all this way to interview our volleyball team. It's great to have you!"

"Thank you, Sawamura-san. My name is (Y/N)!" I shouted back, so everyone could hear me. "I'm a writer! I mean, I-I am a journalist at Miyagi Times. Well, right now I'm just a high school sports writer, but, I will be a writer! Umm... thank you for having me!" I bowed. 

God why can't I be more sure of myself?

"Nice to have you (Y/N)!" the boys shouted in unison.

The boys rushed off to start their volleyball practice. However, the silver hair boy stayed. 

He looks like had something on his mind. Maybe he wants to ask me something?



Now's my chance! Say something to her! Anything. What's your favorite food? What do you dream about at night? 

"Nice... nice weather today, right?" The weather?! Seriously? Is that the best I could do?

"Uh... yeah sure. I guess," she shrugged her shoulders.

Where are you from? Where did you grow up? Do you have brothers and sisters? Why do I have so many questions for her? 

I looked at her profile, her face had such symmetry. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. I wonder what her hair smelled like. Maybe cherry blossoms.

"Excuse me?" she asked.

"Uh- yes?!" Crap! Was I thinking out loud?

She chuckled, which was a delight to my ears.

"I asked, do you need to go practice with your team? I don't want to keep you here." She looked at me with such sincere eyes.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" I joked, which was my terrible attempt at flirting.

"N-no! Not at all! I just, I feel guilty for having you here. I know you're the vice captain and all, but you don't have to keep my company. You said your coach isn't going to be here for another hour, so I don't want to take any of your time."

She's beautiful and considerate. Wait - do I... do I like her? 

I could feel my cheeks turning red as the thought crept through my mind. 

"Not at all!" I exclaimed. "I don't mind keeping you company. In fact, I'd be more than happy to stay here with you!" Oh no, was that too much?

She laughed. "Okay then. I have a few questions to ask you, if you don't mind."

She's asking me questions about me already?! Is this a date? Is this what dates are? Shouldn't I be the one to ask her questions first? Is that the manly thing to do? I want to get to know you. I have so many questions for you...

"Sugawara-san," I heard my name exit from her soft lips. I couldn't help but look at them as she said my name for the first time, the way her mouth curled, the way her voice sounded. 

"Y-yes (Y/N)?" I gulped.

"Can you tell me about the boy's volleyball team?"

Oh. Of course. She's interviewing. 

I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed, but I try not to show it on my face. Instead, I grinned at her, "Of course! We're the best volleyball team in Miyagi, and we're going to nationals!"


Author's Note

So, I made you into a working girl, I hope that's okay. Don't we all love a strong, independent heroine?

Thank you for reading this :)

Hope you guys are all well!

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