"Well I would have come sooner but I was distracted by some... political intrigue." She wiggled her eyebrows at me and sashayed into the house, her hips swaying in a rather exaggerated fashion. I blinked after her before there was a small cough, I turned and there was a rather unfamiliar bulky Orrian man holding a box with a purple bow.

"I hope you do not mind that I am here." He looked a little abashed, his eyes looking around me to land on Nadila. "I am-"

"Councilman Rhesthor." Rhex stepped beside me, holding out a hand for the councilman.

"I see my name precedes me." He gave Rhex's hand a shake and bowed at me. "I hope you do not mind the intrusion. I brought you a gift for your little one." His eyes landed on my belly and he gave me a warm, genuine smile.

"Not at all. Please, come in." I gestured to the interior of the house as Rhex moved to stand behind me once more. The large Orrian gave me another bow before passing into the house. I glanced at Rhex. "You don't think he and Nadila..." I let my voice trail off and Rhex's mouth twitched.

"He is Rehnas' father. Last I heard Rhesthor and Mah'dina chose to live separate lives and Nadila is a rather striking woman. Very ambitious and accomplished as well. Quite the catch for an unmated Orrian Councilman." Rhex rubbed at my lower backs. His fingers felt like heaven against my sore muscles.

"What about their soulmates?" With the way the tides were turning Orrians would start finding their soulmates more frequently.

"The Source sometimes surprises us and there is nothing wrong with enjoying each other's company until that time comes." rubbed my lower back and I just bit back a groan as he hit an unbearably achy spot.

He kissed the top of my head and I watched as a group of rowdy men came walking down the driveway. Rhex went out to greet his battalion and I crossed my arms, leaning against the doorway with a small smile on my face. There was a loud cheer from the group as he entered the group. I lifted a hand as they waved at me enthusiastically. They came up the sidewalk and each one kissed my cheek as they entered, several of them winking as they did so. I waved them off with an amused smile.

A car pulled up and Ani jumped out. I smiled and slowly made my way down the sidewalk towards her. She hurried towards me, a gift bag in her hand and gave me a big hug before she pulled back. "I am sorry. I took a later flight so I could give you your gift!" She held it out and I smiled, giving her another hug, holding onto her tightly. She was going halfway across the world and I was going to miss her greatly. I buried my face into her shoulder, feeling like I wanted to cry. "Hey now. I'm coming back. I should be back before the little one is born." She pushed me away and wiped at my face, cleaning away the tears I hadn't realized had fallen.

"It is just I need to go find me some dick." Her words made me burst out laughing and she cupped my face, a grin on her own. "I cannot sit here and see all the dick you and Ami'la get and not get me some of my own." She made a face at me and I gave a watery chuckle.

"You are terrible." I patted her cheek gently. I would miss her, even if she was gone for a day. She was one of my best friends and I didn't want to be without her.

"Nah, just bored of the shower." She wiggled her eyebrows and I gave another sad laugh before I looked at her. She brushed the tears away again. "Do not cry, Liv. I will always come back. After all, I might like guys but I love you." At that a little sob escaped and she shushed me, pulling me close. "Wherever you are, is my home because we are sisters and I would never be happy without you by my side." She let me go, kissing my cheek quickly before she made me take the gift back and slowly backed away, her own eyes shining with tears.

"I just need to go for a little bit. I will be home before the little pickle is born. I promise you." She lifted her hand before looking over my shoulder towards the house. "Congratulations, Ami'la. You are going to get so fat." Her chin trembled and she turned around, her shoulders hunching as she walked towards the car. I repressed the urge to call her back.

"You get your ass back here as soon as you can, Ani. Over turn every rock and when you find him, drag your man back with you." Ami'la's voice was stern and Ani lifted her hand, not looking back as she got into the car. I felt like I wanted to crumple in on myself. I was going to miss her so much that it hurt. I lifted my head and wiped at my eyes.

She was going to be fine. She was going to find her soulmate and the poor man wouldn't know what hit him. He would be stunned and amazed because Ani'tah was one beautiful, bold, intelligent woman. I watched the car pull away, holding onto the gift bag tightly.

"I feel like I am intruding." At the rather softly drawled voice my gaze snapped to a rather leggy dark haired woman with eyes that were such a light blue it was like they were made of ice. I stared at her in confusion and she ran her hand through her short bob and looked me up and down, her gaze lingering on my belly. "Well... that was not in the info Rhex gave us." She raised an eyebrow and I covered my belly with my hands as I looked at her. She moved closer and I narrowed my eyes slightly.

"What would mother and father think about being grandparents, Rhex?" She turned her gaze lazily towards the house, a slow smile crossing her face as she spotted Rhex. I looked between the two of them, spotting the slight similarities they had. Rhex took three steps and grasped her around the waist before lifting her up and spinning her around.

"Kati!" He hugged her tightly as he put her down. He ruffled her hair as she squirmed, a look of annoyance on her face as she tried to escape his grasp. "How are the parents?" He let her go and she attempted to straighten her hair and her clothes as a flush of embarrassment crossed her cheeks.

"Taking care of grandfather in his retirement." She tugged on her shirt to straighten it and Rhex reached out and ruffled her hair once more. She made a sound of disgust as she attempted to rearrange it. "Is he always like this?" She gave me a look and I nodded with a sly smile. "I swear. He was a huge pest growing up as well." She marched towards me and looped her arms through my own. "I need to get to know my sister-in-law. You can go bother someone else, Rhex." She lifted her nose in the air as she pulled me towards the house.

She glanced at me from the corner of her eyes and winked, a tiny smirk tugging at her mouth. I had a feeling I was going to like Kati. "So what are you going to name..." She glanced at me again, looking for an answer and I rubbed my stomach with my free hand.

"Her. It's a girl." At that she gave a smug smile.

"Another girl in the family? Mother is going to be pleased! So what is her name?" She looked at me in question as we entered the house and I frowned slightly. Rhex and I had yet to agree on a name


"Lynn." Rhex and I said the names at the same time and I made a face at him. He wasn't budging with Lynn and I wasn't budging with Amy. We had been butting heads since we learned it was a girl.

"Amy-Lynn? How cute. I approve" She let my arm go and moved further into noisy and full house.

I glanced at Rhex and he grinned as he met my gaze. "I like Amy-Lynn." He moved closer and gently pressed his hands to the bump and I smiled, giving a nod.

"I like it too." I watched as he got down to his knees, pushing my shirt up before kissing my belly.

"Hello, little Amy-Lynn. I cannot wait to meet you." He stared at my belly with a look of pure and unadulterated love that it made my heart flip in my chest. "I bet you are going to be just as beautiful as your mum." He looked up at me and I cupped his cheek in my hand, tears blurring my vision of him before the newly christened Amy-Lynn gave a rather strong kick that had me almost doubling over.

"And just as strong as her dad." I couldn't help but laugh as Rhex stood up, covering my belly up once more. He cupped my jaw with his hands, bending over me in a way that always made me feel protected. There was a soft look in his light green eyes that had my heart flipping once more in my chest.

"I thank the Source everyday that I saw you because I cannot imagine my life without you." He kissed me and I clung to him, melting towards him. He was my everything. He was my entire world and everything beyond it. He was the air I breathed and the heart that pounded in my chest. He was the father to our child and I thanked whichever deity that was listening that I had been allowed to grow up broken.

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