"So weird to think this tiny thing could save the world." Eggsy says. I had given him the antidote, and he had taken the vial out. I'm about to tell him it's probably a bad idea to keep it out, but then Whiskey just has to speak. "Let me have a look." Eggsy goes to pass it over when we hear a methodical knocking on the door. "Harry." Eggsy says, getting up to open it, and taking the vial with him. I notice Whiskeys hand clench into a fist as if angry. Strange. "Am I late?" Harry asks. Eggsy proudly holds up the vial. "You found the antidote." I nod with a small smile. I look behind the pair to see the line of soldiers coming towards us. "Get down!" Whiskey rushes towards Eggsy, but he shoves his arm. Just his arm. I don't trust that. The vial falls. I dive for it. But it shatters before I get to it. I remain on the ground as gunshots ring out around us, bullet holes and glass everywhere. I send a silent glare to Whiskey. It's like he wanted it gone.

"You fucking dickhead!" Eggsy yells at him. "Fuck you! I just saved your life!" Whiskey defends. "Yeah, and cost millions of people theirs!"

"You didn't make a move to pull him down, you shoved his arms." I accuse. "Oh excuse me, I didn't realize in the face of danger I should take my time and be more precise!" I growl in frustration, as I load my gun. Whiskey looks out the window. "All right, they're going for cover and reloading. I'll fix their wagons." Whiskey pulls out another gun, the runs to the door. "Cover me, boys!" I roll my eyes, but start shooting along with Eggsy. He may be a prick, but we're unfortunately on the same side. I think.

"Wait. Eggsy, (Y/n), I think he could be working for the other side." Harry says, stopping Eggsy from shooting. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You're having a brain fart! Look! Does that look like he's working with them?" We look out from our respective points to see him shooting at the soldiers. As much as I don't like him, I have to admit he is doing an excellent job taking care of that shit. "I don't know...it may be possible." I say. "(Y/n), no." He says to me. "Excuse me? No? What the hell do you mean no?" I exclaim. "Harry, are you seeing butterflies again? I know what I'm seeing." Is that supposed to prove his point? "Look, I know Harry isn't all there right now, but he still has a lot more experience than us, and-"

"Are you really buying this?" Eggsy asks incredulously. "I'm just saying, I've had a bad feeling about him for awhile." I admit as Whiskey runs back towards the house. "Good job he didn't need our help." Eggsy says, giving me and Harry pointed look to which I roll my eyes. "Thank fucking Christ I didn't need any backup! I'm out of ammo! Troop carrier coming in. What've you got?" Whiskey asks, rummaging through the bag Harry had on him. I look out the window, Eggsy moving around me to look out the opposite side. "Fuck! Shit! There's a fuck ton of 'em!" I watch them all pile out. "We're fucked." I growl. "What is this? Looks like you packed for a fucking slumber party, not a mission!" I hear Whiskey yell. "You watch your mouth, prick." I growl at him as I watch the soldiers line up with powerful weaponry. "And they've got fucking Gatling guns!"

"You have 10 seconds to surrender before we open fire!" One of them calls. "Guys, hurry up!" I hiss. "10!" I make silent eye contact with Eggsy. "Hey!"

"Butterfly guy!"
"You don't look like Ginger fixed you right."

Any previous reconciliation we had done just a few minutes before seems to be gone right now. Right now, we are both pissed and under pressure.

"I said I'm empty!"
"Give me yours." Right because that's going to help us anyways. "5!" I look over where Whiskey is yelling at Harry, and Harry just stares back at him. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Harry is just seeing butterflies. "Harry, give him the fucking gun!" Eggsy yells at him.


Harry raises his gun. And he shoots Whiskey. My eyes widen, and Eggsy shouts. "Harry, no!"

"Oh, fuck it! Fire!"

"Harry, get down!" Eggsy grabs me, and pulls us to the ground again. "I mean, honestly, Harry, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Eggsy yells over the storm of bullets raining down on us. "He broke the vial on purpose!" Harry defends as he rummages through his bag. "You're a fucking idiot! You're out of control, Harry!" Eggsy accuses. "Oh shut the fuck up." I growl.

"If we made it out of here, he was gonna kill us all! "

"For fuck's sake, it looks like he wouldn't have fucking had to!"

"Oh, ye of little faith." Harry yells as he casually throws something out the window behind him. An explosive goes off, and then all is silent. I raise my gun, and I hold it out defensively as I look out the window. A strange blue substance has frozen all the soldiers in place. It's kinda beautiful in an eerie kind of way. Eggsy sends Harry the nastiest looking glare. "This does not mean you're off the fucking hook!" He says, raising his voice to maximum volume. "We need to go dark. We don't know who else at Statesman could be working against us." Harry says as Eggsy rolls Whiskey over. He pulls out one of those alpha gel pads that saved Harry. "Shit! This is all my fault. You weren't ready for the field and I pushed for it!" Eggsy says despairingly.

"He showed his hand. You think he'd have let us live? You should be thanking me for saving our arses!" Harry yells back. Men... "Saving our arses? Try saying that to fucking Whiskey!"

"Eggsy, would you just listen? I think he may have a point. At that music festival he just completely disappeared without a word. I saw him once more later in the evening just slinking around. And when you didn't give him the vile he got angry. I'm telling you, he was aiming for your arm all along." I list off. "I know Whiskey was being a little sexist towards you, but that doesn't make him a fucking double agent." He says to me as he shoots the tech into the pad. "That's what you think I'm doing? You seriously think that's what I'm fucking on about?"

"Well I don't see why you wouldn't have brought it up, or followed him."

"Because I was talking to you about you fucking that bitch Charlie shacks up with! This is exactly what I meant when I said we were holding each other back from our damn jobs. Maybe then, we wouldn't be having this conversation." It doesn't register that it's out until it's out. But now it is most definitely out. Eggsy looks at me with eyes filled with hurt, sadness, anger, all of it. "Maybe you're right." He mutters, looking away. It's like a stab at my heart. I guess I was right. I lose everything. Only difference this time...it's my own damn fault.

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