"They want to see you." He moved off the bed and I felt my face flush brightly as I stared at him with wide eyes.

"Me?" Why on Earth would they wish to see me? I didn't entirely know how to feel about that.

"They want to see the beauty that I sang praises of every single day that I was in training." He pulled on a pair of pants and I felt my face flush even heavier as I sat up as well. He walked closer, my eyes were drawn to the rippling muscles of his torso, my eyes going half-lidded at the display. "And why would they not? You are even more perfect that the one I sang about." He grasped my face in his hands and gave me a rather hungry kiss that had me breathing heavy by the time he released me.

My thoughts were a jumbled mess due to the kiss when the realization sunk in. Source help me, I was going to be inspected by a group of large Orrian soldiers. My expression must have showed my shock and slight terror because Rhex gave me another kiss.

He pulled away as I grasped at him and I fought back a pout. He gave an amused chuckle at the look on my face. "Do not worry. They will love you." He gave me a rather rakish grin, his scar bunching rather adorably. "Just as I do." With that he left the bedroom, closing the door behind him. I stared at it, a heat blooming in my chest that had me burying my face in the blankets with a large grin.

Rhex loved me.

I quickly got out of the bed and moved towards the closet. None of my clothes were in there, I knew that but I needed something. I found a pair of boxer briefs and I snagged a t-shirt from one of the shelves. I pulled the clothes on, they were good enough and covered all that needed to be covered. I smoothed down my hair, swallowing nervously as the loud voice became louder as Rhex let them into the apartment.

I tried a bit harder to tame my sex tousled hair but finding it nearly impossible. My cheeks heated up and I hesitated at the bedroom door. I shifted my weight on me feet as I bit my lip. I let out a heavy sigh, trying to find some courage before I slowly opened the door and stepped out.

I searched quickly for Rhex, feeling a bit out of sorts without him near. There were several broad shouldered men standing in the living room and I swallowed thickly as I crept towards what felt like a lion's den. Loud baritone voices speaking Orrian seemed to rumble the air as they laughed loudly. I hesitated before peeking around the corner.

"They are not going to bite."Rhex's voice right beside my ear made me give a clipped cry as I jumped in surprise, my hand going to my chest as my heart pounded harshly.

I glowered at him, swatting at his bare chest. "That wasn't nice!" I scowled at him and he gave a shiver inducing chuckle before he pressed a quick kiss to my temple.

"Come." He placed his hand on my lower back and forced me to step out into the living room. The group of Orrians immediately stopped speaking to look at me. I felt a strong curling of fear begin in my stomach as they stared in silence.

"How the fuck is that fair?" A shorter man came through the front door, a wide smile on his face as his shaggy brown hair flopped into his eyes. The other men turned and cheered for him, pulling him into the group and pounding on his back. I looked up at Rhex but he simply let his hand drop from my back to go greet the newcomer. The shorter man walked over and thumped on his back. "Seriously, Rexy. How the fuck did you land such a gorgeous lady?" He moved closer to me, a wide smile on his face, his blue eyes twinkling.

"Hello, darlin'. The name is Bruce." He held out his hand and I took it with a tentative smile and he gave me a grin right before he yanked me close, giving me a tight hug. I was surprised by the action and he released me with a chuckle. "Well, lads? Let's give her a warm welcome." He threw a lazy arm around my shoulder and pulled me into the fray of exuberant Orrians who shook my hand or chucked my chin with wide smiles. Names flew from their mouths as they called out their introductions and I tried to hold onto them but it was a tad overwhelming.

As if sensing my slight distress, Rhex came in and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me to his side. "You recovered well." He nodded at Bruce who ruffled his shaggy hair with a grin.

"Damn right. There is nothing that can keep me down." He winked at me. "Training mishap. Rexy, here, took my spot on the shuttle. Deceptive bastard." There was an amusement to his tone that made him have almost a drawl, I stared at him for a moment before I realized he was human.

He grinned at me again. "That's right, darlin'. Just as human as you are. These lads have been my comrades for about... three years?" He turned to the group and they all called out five, shoving him lightly as if in play. "Sorry, sorry. I have been with them five years." He glanced between Rhex and I and gave a low whistle. "I haven't seen him that relaxed since I met him. You look good on him." He gave me a firm nod as if giving his approval and the large Orrians called out their agreement as they all fell into various seats in the living room.

Rhex kissed my temple again, his fingers tightening on my hip just a fraction. "They love you." He murmured it against my skin and I looked up at him with a smug grin.

"Just like I love you." I watched as his face softened before he bent down and brushed his nose along mine affectionately.

"And I you." He gave me a soft kiss that I melted into. I did not mind a touchy feely Rhex, in fact if he kept kissing me like he was, I would demand it.

"Get a room!" One of the Orrians, Lukesh if I remembered correctly, called it out and my face flared red. Rhex chuckled and said something in Orrian that had the whole room laughing and shoving at Lukesh playfully. I pressed my face into Rhex's chest and inhaled deeply, taking in his scent of musk and cloves. He pulled me closer, wrapping me in his arms. As the laughter filled the apartment and Rhex's own rumbled his chest, I smiled.

It felt good to be surrounded by such happiness. It felt good to be wrapped in Rhex's arms.

It felt like... home.

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