Part six- bell test

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Next day
The three of them slept in and had a good breakfast.
"Sun is shining bright this morning do you think that we'll do the bell test or something more original?" "He'll probably give us the bell test to keep up with team 7 tradition." "Sensed him twenty feet to the north. Must be testing us. Good thing we didn't waste our time coming here this morning." "Let's take a nap while waiting for him to show himself." Ten minutes later Kakashi walks over. 'Must have gotten tired waiting.' Sakura was in the center of the three. Thinking she would be the easiest to wake up he decided to wake her first. Leaning over to wake her he nearly got hit with a couple of swords. He jumped back to avoid getting slashed. "Whatcha reaching for there sensei?" "Just trying to wake you guys up. Time for the test." "Uh huh right. Sorry sensei we're just protective of each other." Sheathing their swords. Explains the rules.
"Are you sure about that sensei? What if our tools could kill you?" "Well we'll have to test that theory at a later date." He explains why there is only 2 bells. He expected them to jump away but they did the opposite and sit down on the ground and started talking. "Um what are you guys doing? Shouldn't you be trying to take these bells?" "Nope you'll have to send us all back to the academy we will always stay together. This team will stay together. Our teamwork is perfect. You can fail us if you have to." "Isn't teamwork the answer to this test sensei?" "But we can go though a team training exercise for you to get to know us. And our abilities." Needless to say he was shocked. 'This team knows the answer to this test?! How long have they known each other?' "Alright let me see how you guys normally train so I can set a new regime for you."
Time skip to hokage office (Forth hokage presiding. With the third watching with all the other Jounins.)
Team 1 fail.... team 6 fail (skip team 7 Kakashi was late) team 8? Pass. Team 9 still active Team 10 passes. Team 11 passes( team of sisters led by kushina) "Team 7 passed. And they are already knew the answer to the bell test." "WHAT?" (Everyone) "How'd you get covered in those wounds?" (Asuma) "Their teamwork is flawless. Their abilities are amazing that they trusted me to know. They don't trust anyone outside their circle. The whole group is full of prodigies." "What did they do to you? If you our best ninjutsu specialist was able to get that wounded they must be strong. You battle Guy for fun." The other sensei's wanted to know how three Genin overpowered a Jounin. "Sorry guys I'm not at liberty to tell you. They want it to be a surprise for the chunin exams in six months. Apparently they've been training with each other for a while now." The third hokage was not surprised to hear that. He said, "That sounds weird because Naruto and the other two were outside the village for the past nine years. He left clones here so they wouldn't fall behind their peers. Getting special training." "What?! We've been chasing a clone?" (Gate guards) "why would you chase him?" (Kushina) "He would paint the great stone faces and get into trouble. It was an act to get attention." (Third) "why would he want attention? Didn't his family take care of him?" (Minato) "What family? The kid was alone from the day of his birth. The people blame him for the attack of the nine tails." "Why would they do that? Our daughters are the holders of the nine tails. He shouldn't be considered the blame."
This shocked the room. "He has the seal on his stomach that holds it. We were expecting one of the sanin to come back and check on him. Kakashi has been the only seal master here in years." The third explained how he found Naruto near his wife and read the letter she had wrote him telling the name of the baby.
This shocked the group they had just ran with their daughters and didn't even give respect to the body of the thirds wife? Why? The couple explained that they had made plans to leave for a few years and bring the girls back to go to the academy but they were busy having fun with them.

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