Meeting Harry

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Jake had a very normal first year, he did very well in his first broom lesson with madam hooch. Madam Hooch like jakes flying she guaranteed Jake would have a spot on the Gyffindor quidditch team the next year. His end of year exams went fairly well because his father kept bugging him to study whenever he saw him. Jake tried to avoid his father as much as he can in the last few weeks but it wasn't easy because he was his potions teacher.
By now Jake was about to start his second year at Hogwarts which was also the year that he would meet his brother Harry Potter, well not exactly meeting because he did remember Harry abit but he was only a little baby then.
Harry had just found out his aunt and uncle were lying to him this whole time and he had been told about his brother Jake. He was excited to meet him or see him again Harry didn't really know.
Jake didn't bother going to catch the train to hogwarts because he was already there and he remembered the last trip, it was long, really long. Dumbledore walked up to Jake with a happy smile on his face.
"Jake may I speak to you?" He asked, Jake nodded. "Harry is coming to hogwarts this year and I want you to spend as much time with him as you can" Albus said. Jake nodded with a small grin.
"Of course professor, I haven't seen him since I was two" Jake said running his hand through his hair that was getting some length. His hair just went over his ears and he kept telling himself he really needed a haircut but he kind of liked his hair like this.
"Promise me something Jake..." Dumbledore said, Jake nodded nervously. "Promise me that you will always be there for your brother, good or bad"
"Of course professor, he's my brother, I'll always be there for him" Jake said, he just turned twelve and he was maturing faster then any other twelve year old.
"Good" Dumbledore said patting Jake on the back.
The first years filled the hall and Jake wasn't sure which one was Harry until his name was called out.
"Harry Potter"
Harry walked slowly towards the stool and sat down with a nervous look on his face. The hat was put on his head and he started to whisper under his breath and the hat let out a laugh and said "not Slytherin Ey.. You could be great you know, no? Well GRYFFINDOR"
Jake got so excited he stood to his feet and started cheering with the rest of gryffindor. His father looked at him and raised and eyebrow then Jake say down again looking towards the ground, he saw someone next to him and it was Harry.
"Hi I'm Harry Potter" Harry said, Jake smiled widely.
"Jake Snape" Jake said, Harry smiled widely aswell and hugged Jake.
"You're my brother, m-my only brother, how I've longed to meet you" Harry said smiling so widely.
"I've been waiting 9 years Harry" Jake muttered, Harry smiled and nodded then looked at a ginger haired kid.
"Ron this is my brother Jake Snape" Harry said, Ron nearly chocked on his food.
"Snape?" Ron asked "you're the son of Severus Snape not James potter" Ron said glaring at Jake.
"Uh yeah me and Harry have the same mother" Jake said with a shy smile.
"Your father is a teacher" Ron said with a chuckle. Harry hit him.
"Don't be so rude Ron" Hermione a girl with bushy hair who was sitting across from them said. "Harry hasn't known he had a brother until recently" Hermione said looking at her food.
"Is that true Harry?" Jake asked, harry nodded and explained to his about how the dursleys had lied to him all these years.
"That's what Hagrid said" Harry muttered.
"Is that that giant?" Jake asked, Harry nodded nervously.
The next day Jake didn't see Harry until after classes.
"How was your first day?" Jake asked plopping down on the couch by the fireplace.
"It was okay, I don't think your dad likes me though, he threw a bunch of questions at me" Harry mumbled. Jake laughed.
"He does that to everyone" Jake said chuckling. "He's not really friendly to his students, not even me when I'm in his classes. It's completely normal. I just laugh at him about it after" Jake said with a grin on his face.
"Did you um grow up here in the castle?" Harry asked.
"Yeah I did, it wasn't the greatest experience. I mean I wasn't allowed where the students were, only the teacher part of the castle." Jake muttered.
"There's a teachers part of the castle?" Harry asked, he sat next to his brother.
"Yeah but it's boring I mean I did do a lot of flying outside but that's about all I did" Jake said looking towards the fire "but of course I never get sick of flying"
"You mean on broomstick? We have our first flying lesson in 2 weeks" Harry said.
"That's great but I'm going to sign up for the Gryffindor quidditch team" Jake said looking at Harry again.
"What's quidditch?" Harry asked.
"Well you will find that out soon enough brother" Jake said standing up and looking at Harry "I'm going to bed so goodnight"
"Goodnight" Harry said with a small smile.

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