Jake Severus

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"Professor you can lift the obliviate spell can't you?" Snape asked, looking at the headmaster with hope in his eyes. Dumbledore let out a sigh, he didn't want to lie.
"Indeed I can but I can not " Albus Dumbledore said turning away from severus.
"What do you mean you can't?" Snape asked, his face turning red.
"Some obliviate spells are to strong" Albus muttered still not looking at severus.
"But any great wizard can lift a strong obliviate spell" severus spat. By now he was furious, the one person he trusted doesn't want to help him.
"Don't get angry at me Severus" Albus said finally looking at Severus with his watery blue eyes. "You know Severus I'm not the type of person to betray someone" Albus muttered "I was asked to not return your memory"
"WHAT!?" Snape screamed. "I NEED TO KNOW THE MOTHER OF MY CHILD FOR WARLOCKS SAKE" Snape yelled furiously.
"I'm sorry serverus but you know I can't " Albus said walking upstairs to his private quarters. Serverus scowled and walked out of the headmasters office. A student was walking down the hall were he was walking and Severus got even more furious.
"GO TO YOUR COMMON ROOM, 20 POINTS FROM SLYTHERIN" he yelled, the kid was surprised that professor snape, the Slytherin lover was taking points from his house for waking down a hall innocently but ofcourse no Slytherin is innocent so Snape was defiantly right to take points.
Snape walked to his office furiously, knocking his paper off his desk. 'I need to know' he thought, falling into his desk chair and looking at the mess he had made. He let out a loud sigh.
The next day Severus got out of bed, got changed and walked to his office to find the minister of magic.
"Hello Minister" Snape muttered.
"Hello Severus, as you have been told, you have a son" the minister said.
"Jake Severus Snape" Severus said looking at the ground.
"Exactly, the mother, you we don't exactly know who left the baby at the ministry with a note saying 'to put in care of his father Severus Snape', I trust you know who the mother is severus?" The minister asked, Snape let out a sigh and shook his head.
"I have no memory of her minister, my mind has been obliviated" Snape murmured.
"Well maybe I could try to lift the spell" the minister said, taking out his wand. "You must know Severus that the only way of breaking an obliviate is torture" the minister said with a sigh an then put his wand back into his pocket. "That is why I am not going to do it"
"But minister, I give you permission to torture me" Severus mumbled not even thinking about it.
"Are you sure Severus?" The minister asked
"I'm very sure minister" Severus said.
"Very well but not today Severus, I will set up a time, anyway it is time to meet your son" the minister said, a tall man walked in the room with a two year old walking beside him.
"Dada?" The little boys asked, Snape nodded and reached down to hug his son. He could tell he was his son because of the long black hair and some of the facial features. But one thing that was different from him was his green eyes and his small nose. Snape got a small vision of a woman with green eyes and a beautiful nose but the other features seemed to be a blur. Severus let go of his son and looked at his green eyes.
"And you're Jake?" Severus asked.
"Yes, Jake Severus... Severus is my middle name" Jake said smiling at his father.
"Okay, I see you two have hit it off straight away so it is best we leave" the minister said walking out of the door with the tall man.
"Hey Jake do you want to meet professor Dumbledore, he's a very nice man" Snape asked smiling at his son.
"Yes, mummy told me about dumble" Jake said struggling to say Dumbledore.
"Okay let's go Jake" Severus said taking his sons small hand and walking out the door.
"So this is Jake?" Albus asked, looking at the 2 year old with his watery blue eyes.
"Yes and you're Albus dumble-edo-or" Jake said with a cheeky smile.
"Yes I'm am" Albus said chuckling.
"My mummy said you are the best wizard In the world" Jake said.
"Who's your mummy Jake?" Albus asked.

Severus Snape's Son: Book 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now