"That's .... because .... I ... have ... limits ... in .... use it ..." I said while dizzy.

" What?" said amelia.

"I also have a limit to use it because it requires high strength" I said shyly.

amelia then exhaled and told me to quickly use it.

I can just roll lazily my eyes and do it right away.

I then pulled my hand where the wound was, after a few seconds the pain I felt had disappeared.

I then removed my hand and opened my bandage and my wound immediately disappeared with the pain.

"Yep ... I'm done, come on, Amelia," I said, getting up from my place.

amelia also from her place and immediately took my hand to go to her uncle and her parents (y / n).

at the place of uncle amelia and amelia's parents ♡ ♥

third pov

"uncle !! I'm back and I also brought someone" said Amelia happily.

Uncle Amelia immediately looked at Amelia with a smile.

"oh yeah who amelia?" asked his uncle.

Amelia then stood to the side and showed (y / n) with a nervous and irritated face towards Amelia and Amelia replied with a mocking look.

Uncle Amelia and parents (y / n) immediately widened their eyes, then parents (y / n) immediately ran to their daughter and hugged her.

"(y / n) why are you outside your room !?" asked his mother (y / n).

"Your mother is right (y / n) you should not be allowed to come out of your room with your condition" said her father (y / n).

"father ... mother ... look (y / n), I'm fine and the wound also disappeared as well as the pain" said (y / n) smiling softly.

her parents (y / n) were silent for a while in surprise, then they took off their daughter and mother (y / n) and took off their daughter's clothes a little and sure enough, the wound on her daughter's stomach was missing, there was no sign at all.

her mother (y / n) is shocked to see her daughter's wounds disappear and so are amelia's father (y / n) and uncle.

"How can it be" said his father (y / n).

"It should take a while to heal the wound," said Amelia's uncle in surprise.

his father (y / n) just looked at him in shock.

"This is thanks to the healing (y / n) have!" said amelia.

everyone looked at amelia with surprise, "what do you mean amelia?" asked Uncle Amelia.

"Did ... (y / n) manage to do it, dear" said his father (y / n) with his wife.

"yes dear it looks like our daughter managed to do it" said her mother (y / n).

"what do you mean?" asked (y / n).

his father (y / n) tried to calm his wife, "later dad will explain to you (y / n)" said his father with a smile.

(y / n) just looked at his father with a confused look, "all right?" said (y / n).

"(y / n) let's play together" said Amelia.

"uhm!" answered (y / n) happy.

Then they both left, Uncle Amelia then saw her friend.

"Please explain all this" said Uncle Amelia.

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