0.2 ‣ andromeda black

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⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

ANDROMEDA BLACK was having a severe internal struggle. It was a struggle over whether or not it was worth it to strangle her Aunt Walburga, who hadn't stopped her rant on mudblood inferiority since they'd arrived at the beautiful mansion belonging to the Gaunt family.

The gathering happened on the same weekend every year, and every year it was exactly the same. All members of the Sacred Twenty-Eight came together to bitch about muggle-borns and auction off their daughters to the families with unmarried sons. Of course, families such as the Weasleys, Longbottoms, and Shacklebolts weren't welcome at the gathering. Nonetheless, Andromeda was sure she'd have an engagement in place by the time it was over, whether or not she was allowed any input.

"Andromeda? Hello? Andromeda Black," Walburga said in an exasperated tone, snapping her fingers in the distracted girl's face. The brunette jumped, trying not to look too long at her Aunt's disapproving face.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said. I was contemplating how muggle-borns could even begin to compare themselves to us. We're superior; it's laughable that they could even think they're like us," Andromeda supplied sweetly, feeding her Aunt the words she wanted to hear. 

Walburga nodded and smiled. "Of course we are; we're purebloods. Especially us from the noble and most ancient House of Black-- Merope Gaunt, running off with a muggle all those years ago, and Molly Prewett marrying one of those blood-traitor Weasleys' last month? Nothing like that has, or will, ever happen in this family," She sniffed. "Isn't that right, Sirius?"

The nine-year-old boy looked up, startled at the sound of his name. "Huh? Oh, I mean, yeah. Yes, that's right, Mother." He agreed a dismayed look on his face after she didn't acknowledge his answer. Andromeda smiled sympathetically at the boy as Walburga opened her mouth to continue her rant.

"I'm so sorry Aunt Walburga, but I really should mingle with the other families. They'll think me rude if I only speak to you," She excused herself politely. "Sirius, would you like to walk with me? I think there might be some kids around your age to talk to. It's best to make friends before you start at Hogwarts," Andromeda explained as she took her cousin's hand. "And if you meet them here, you can be sure they'll be in Slytherin with you."

Sirius looked down awkwardly as his cousin led him across the garden. "I know you just wanted to get away from my mother. You don't have to take me around if you don't want to," He said quietly. Andromeda looked down at his curly black hair, which was far longer than she'd expected Walburga to allow.

"Nonsense. Of course I wanted to take you around with me. But Rabastan Lestrange is right over there, and he's the same age as you. You should go talk to him." She said with a smile, ruffling his hair and laughing at the disgruntled expression on his face at her actions.

The nine-year-old turned to look at the other boy again, before nodding and running off across the grass. "Andy!" A voice called from behind her by the edge of the woods. The sixteen-year-old turned her head to examine the treeline. Who had called her name? "Andy!" The voice came again, just as she located two faces peeking out between branches. Narciss made a beckoning motion, and Bellatrix mimed reeling her in with a lasso.

Andromeda shook her head at their antics as she started across the lawn in their direction.

⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

The three girls giggled as they ran through the forest, dodging branches as they raced along the almost-nonexistent path. "Oh, Father is going to be furious," Narcissa called nervously, her pace slowing at the worrisome thought.

Bella shook her head. "Oh, he's too thrilled to be mad today. Didn't you hear the news?" She said, her voice strained. Andromeda cocked her head at her sister. What news? She hadn't been told anything. Bellatrix looked at the two girls' vacant expressions. "Really? You didn't hear? Andy's engaged!"

Andromeda felt her heart drop as she stopped in her tracks. "Me? What? To whom?!" She stammered, grabbing onto a branch for balance. "They were looking for a match for you, not me!" the brunette exclaimed, trying to catch her breath. Bellatrix tilted her head as she examined her sister's face.

"They were. But Evan Rosier requested your hand. You won't be married until you're twenty-five, of course, but they like to get these matters settled early. Saves the hassle later on," Bella stated matter-of-factly. 

Andromeda gaped at the black-haired girl. "He requested me? He hates me! And I hate him! He's the worst! Well, not that he's any worse than the rest of them, but--" She blabbered nervously, but was stopped short as the foliage a short distance away from them began to rustle. The three girls looked uneasily at the bush.

"Andy, Cissy, get behind me," The oldest demanded, pulling out her wand. The younger two complied, stepping back tensely. "Who's there?" Bella called out, her wand at the ready.

The rustling came again before a young man stepped out of the foliage. "Sorry if I startled you," He said apologetically. "I was looking for my dog. He's always getting away. Didn't mean to scare you, though."

Bellatrix narrowed her eyes at the man. "You look familiar. Why?" She demanded, not lowering her wand. Andromeda pushed past her. 

"He's Ted To-- He's in your year. Hufflepuff, I think." Andromeda explained, not allowing herself to finish his name after a sharp look from her older sister. "It's alright. We just didn't see you," She said kindly, gesturing for Bella to lower her wand.

Ted glanced nervously at Bellatrix before his gaze settled back on Andromeda. "I, uh, didn't mean to overhear, but I heard you're engaged. Congratulations," He said awkwardly, obviously having had overheard her complaints about the matter as well.

"Hmm, Ted Tonks... Oh, yes, you're a muggle-born, aren't you? A filthy mudblood?" Bella sneered, stepping closer to Ted and raising her wand to point at his chin. "You have no business speaking to my sister, mudblood." She barked, pressing the tip of her wand into his neck. Just then, a black dog ran up and began barking furiously at the seventeen-year-old girl. "What is that thing?" She said, annoyance seeping into her voice.

"My dog. The one I was looking for before this unfortunate situation," Ted said sarcastically. Andromeda smothered a giggle. "His name's Harold. If you let me go, I'll take him and leave."

Bellatrix narrowed her eyes at him briefly, before lowering her wand and jerking her head to the side. "Leave. Now."

The young man grabbed his dog and apparated away without a second of hesitation. Andromeda shook her head at her sister. "Was that really necessary? He was perfectly nice."

Bellatrix scowled at her sister, while Narcissa remained silent. "He's a filthy mudblood. A muggle-born. He doesn't deserve to even be considered a wizard," She snarled, tucking her want back into her waistband. "We should get back to the gathering. Andy's got to talk to her new fiance," The curly-haired girl said snidely, turning back to the direction they'd come from.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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