Chapter 11

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Lily's POV

Flashback dream

I walked out of my room to find my parents fighting again. My dad used to hit my mom a lot. I couldn't get into it because I was always so much smaller than my mom and dad. One day dad hit mom a little too hard and she never woke up. I watched as my dad packed a bunch of stuff and left the house without saying good bye. He left me there with my dead mom.

I was in shock I went days without food I just laid with my mom on the couch until the cops showed up one day. They brought me to the hospital. I was in the hospital for days since I hadn't had any food or water. I was in little space most of the time so I barley remember most of what happened but what I do remember id the day that I met them. I watched as two handsome men walked passed the play room I was in at the hospital. Most people gave me dirty looks because I was too old to be in the kids play room at the hospital. But they didn't, they gave me a look of pure happiness. I waved at them from behind the glass. They smiled back at me.

I watched as they talked to all the nurses that they could about who I was. As I watched them a nurse came up to me and said it was time to go back to my room for lunch. I wasn't eating much since I was still depressed from the whole thing. So, they had to keep me at the hospital for observation or until they could find someone to take me. I was only 16 at the time so they couldn't just let me go without a parent or guardian. As the nurse brought me back to my room she said that I had visitors. And in walked the handsome men from before. "Hello beautiful" is all the short one said as he walked in. "hewwo" I said in my little voice. "aren't you just the cutest" the tall one said as he pinched my cheeks. "Tell me princess, why are you in the hospital. Where are your parents" the short one said as he closed the door? "Mommy's dead and daddy ran away. I'm here because I won't eat I think." I said to them.

"well princess you have to eat or you won't grow big and strong" the short one said. I felt bad. I felt as if I disappointed them. I just stared at them as they both had a conversation amongst themselves. "We need to get back to the school". "but I need her. She's perfect" "We will come back tomorrow I promise". I watched as they both walked towards me. "Okay princess we have to go for now but please eat for me okay. We will be back tomorrow. My names Ethan by the way". The short one said. "Ethan... I like that name" I said as I smiled at him. "and my name is Blake" The tall one said. "it's nice to meet you Ethan and Blake. My name is Lily" I said as I blushed. "It's very nice to meet you Lily. You have a beautiful name" Ethan said as he kissed my hand. "We have to go Ethan" Blake said as he walked towards the door. "We will see you tomorrow, don't forget to eat little one" Ethan said as he walked out of the room with Blake.

Him calling me that name made me feel different. It made me feel whole like I had finally found what I was looking for. I quickly started to eat my food. I didn't want to disappoint the two of them. Following their directions gave me something to do. It gave me a purpose. I couldn't wait till the next time I saw them.

For a week straight, they would come and see me. Ethan more than Blake but they always made sure that I had someone there with me. Then one day Ethan said "how about you come to school with us little one". But I have no money i thought. "Money isn't an issue. You will go for free honey" Blake said. How did he know I was thinking that I thought? But I just shook it off because I would get to go to school with them. "I would love that Ethan". I said as Blake walked out of the room.

"Then it is settled you will come and live at the school with us. Don't worry little one I will take care of you" Is all he said as he started to fade away.

The light was back I could see the light getting brighter. But this time the light scared me instead of bringing me comfort. I didn't have to worry for long because I finally opened my eyes to a new world and to the people I love.

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