Fell! x Seme Reader

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I had no fanart with Fell, so I went for a cuddly one. Hope y'all enjoy this. Requested by @FebriKhairani8
Ignore how he talks . . . It's cause he has the Jersey accent, and I sorta want it to be obvious . . . . I know, I'm weird like that. >////<

Fell's POV
"Fuck off," I grumbled, trying to sleep. "Oh, come on, Fell! All you ever do nowadays is sleep!" (Y/n) retorted. "You obviously ain't any good at it, or you wouldn't need to as much." I raised my head. "Ya got any idea on a better way to spend the rest o' the evenin'?" I asked, raising my head. (Y/n) smirked. "Yes, I do, actually." And he walked out of the room. Finally left in peace, I let my head flop back down into my pillow.
(Y/n) had been living with me and Paps for nearly a year now. The kid was fun, if not a bit annoying. He was the sort who could run around for hours and not get tired then sit down and read a book, not moving for hours on end. He was as squidgey as a marshmellow most of the time, but was tougher than most monsters down here. All the same, (y/n) was good company, though I'd never say that to him. I wasn't the sort to get sentimental over shit. But once, going past his room, I'd heard quiet sounds; muffled moans.

I hadn't mentioned it to him, of course. Didn't want to ruin our friendship by making things awkward. Well, if you could call it that. Most of the time, it was him getting on my nerves and me insulting him. Then he'd snap back a real witty retort and I'dn't be able to give a good response.
(Y/n) came back into my room, carrying a load of bottles of cheap shot vodka. I looked at him in surprise, then smirked. "Ya sure you're gonna be able ta stomach that, kid?" I asked, sitting up. "The question is, are you?" (Y/n) replied cheekily, setting the bottles down on the floor.

~ *spongebob narrator voice* A few hours later ~

(Y/n) fell backwards off the bed, laughing, tears in his eyes. Chuckling, I asked; "Ya alright, kid?" My words a bit slurred from all the drink. He climbed back onto my bed. "Yup." I took another swig. "It's my turn. I dare you . . . . To go and kiss your crush." (Y/n) rolled his eyes, smirking. "You honestly couldn't think of anything more original?" "Ya still 'ave ta do the dare." I said, putting the now empty bottle with the others. (Y/n) grinned, then pulled me forwards and kissed me roughly.
After a few minutes, we both pulled away, panting. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," he told me, before kissing me again, slipping his tongue past my teeth. I fell back on the bed, wrapping my arms around his neck, as one of his hands crept up under my t-shirt, running his fingers along my ribs. He grabbed my ribs suddenly, and I moaned into the kiss.
"Let's have some fun~" he purred, and I felt my skull flush.

Another time skip, brought to you by zcvisthebest

Your POV
I woke up to find Fell lying asleep on my chest, both of us naked. I groaned, my body feeling exhausted. What happened? I thought, thinking back to last night. I remembered a drinking game with Fell, us having multiple rounds of sex, having a very heated shower where we fucked some more, before Fell collapsed from exhaustion, and I brought us both to bed. I smiled weakly, staring down at Fell's sleeping face fondly, before drifting back asleep.
I woke up later to find Fell awake, grinding on my lap and staring at me with a heated look. "I'm still horny . . .~"

Yes, I know, it's short, but I have another request to write as well. Sorry.


AU Sans X Male!Reader Oneshots (Lemons)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt