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today is not a good day i was woken at 2.30 by a nightmare and then couldnt sleep then ended up somehow being late to school and that brings us to now i walk into my tutor room and see someone that is defiantly not Mrs smith writing something on the board he had dark hair cut short and blue eyes as well as thin lips i immediately recognised him FOX or BEN DANIELS what the hell was he doing here 

"Mr rider i presume,ive not altered the seating plan so you still sit next to Mr Harris." 

i was NOT happy!

"Can you tell me why you looked like someone was holding a gun to your head when you walked in?" Tom asked as i sat down 

"before i did my first mission with 6 i trained for 11 days in wales at a place called BB with an SAS unit and that is Fox from my unit i also saw him a little while after i met you on the same mission that i met my godfather Ash he actually took a bullet for me."

"Woah!" was all that he could 

"yeah but i don't know why he's here."

"Maybe ask him." 

"Yeah cuz i can put my hand up in the middle of class and go hey Mr Daniels why are you here and not training with the SAS or on some dangerous mission on the other side of the world?"

"Sorry you don't have to be rude."

"I'm sorry its just gone nuts." 

"Mr rider Mr Harris if you don't stop talking i will give out warnings."

"Sorry sir."

"can i speak to you outside?" ben asked pointing at Alex 

"No." he said 

"you aren't in trouble just come outside." 


Alex got up and left he pretty much slammed the door in Ben's face Alex smirked to himself 

"really cub the least you could do is be civil."

"Says you you sneaky git."

"hey i thought you knew it wasn't even my idea i say quoting wolf's words it was that godforsaken manipulative bastard that runs the royal and general. look its pretty much the end do you have pe next?"

"Yeah if you say its eagle i might just bunk it."

"No worse Wolf."


"Then Snake for science and eagle i dont know what that hyperactive bird brain got."

"how come you aren't on a mission?"

Fox rolled up his sleeve and showed a bandage wrapped around his shoulder/ upper arm 

"What happened this time?"

"Lets just say bad guys don't like it when you scupper their plan to kill thousands with car bombs."

"Sound like me there." 

"Look you need to go to your next lesson and i need to make sure eagle isn't spilling highly classified government secrets i told him before to make him shut up." fox shouted as he ran/walked away from Alex while the bell began to ring all Alex did was roll his eyes 

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