Chapter Thirteen

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I gently land on something that must be some sort of roof, having no idea where of my whereabouts. I look around into the darkness and find nothing but the claustrophobic darkness that encases me. I search around harder, concentrating more to try to see through the darkness. Hesitantly, I take one step forward, slowly feeling my way around for the edge of the roof. I take another and realise I must be on a tiled roof. I continue taking slow, cautious steps and begin to make progress, despite not knowing whether or not each step could be my last. After all, the edge of the roof could only be the next step...

Suddenly, the tiles below me give way. I stumble to regain my balance as the tiles below my foot slide over the flat surface onto a sloped surface. I look around to see whether anyone has heard me or not and that's when I notice I am rather high up. I seem to be above the hills that surround the hotel. I must be isolated from the city...

I then realise how far up I must be when I hear the sound of the dislodged tile smashing on the concrete below...

Rather than wasting time looking around, I start running on the rooftop, tripping and stumbling as I do so. I notice lights have started to go on in hotels as people look outside to find the cause of the racket. I don't focus on anything besides the clumsy steps I am taking.

I continue slipping and sliding forward, not knowing where I'm going. I begin to slip and slide down a steep descent, fighting to regain control. I try to stop my descent altogether, however, I can't seem to grab a handhold. As I am sliding, my hand is palm-down on the tile roof, trying to grasp anything that could serve as a handhold.

There seems to be nothing up ahead which is a relief. This will soon cease and I will continue on my way...

Then I realise I have reached the edge of the roof and will soon be plummeting to the abyss below...

I gasp and begin using both my hands to try to find handholds and find nothing. The distance between the edge of the roof and I is quickly becoming shorter and soon enough I will be a large splat of blood and guts on the concrete below. I shut my eyes and focus harder to grasp a handhold. I soon feel my feet dropping down into the abyss, my waist dropping down into the abyss, my body dropping down into the abyss, my life dropping down into the abyss.

How could've this gone so wrong?

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