~Rotten Apples~

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One positive aspect of the floor-length gown that it has a halter neckline that conceals my neck, drawing attention to my bare arms. The one negative aspect of this fortunate concealment is that its material wraps around my hypersensitive throat like a choker. The dress is simplistic elegance, my daggers hidden beneath the turquoise layers. Seliah's favourite colour. The top section of my hair is braided into a plait. I freed the rest to fall past my shoulders.

My chest inflates with a deep breath. I swivel from the vanity, departing from the lit bedchamber.

Passing through the entranceway, Vince sidles my flank and we walk down the vacant corridor of our annex. The outdoor lights guide our way to the palace.

"You look worth the wait," he says. I glance back at him, spurning him with a mere look. His eyes inflate with mock fright before he turns his gaze forward. "I only meant to say that you look beautiful."

"Forgive me if I pay no value to your words. I am aware of a certain pattern forming among the Herems, mouthing kind and insincere inanities to distract from their true nature."

"You tribute that to their nature...or perhaps you should give it to their boundless desire to be the next Ruler of Urium. What did you expect? None of them are your friends—"

"And you are?" I stop, seizing his bicep, forcing him to a halt. "Am I to believe that you are the only good apple amongst all the rotten ones? I do not trust your motives. Why rally my spirits to help me show face to my adversaries, why not let me wallow and be diminished? As a reward, you would have one less threat. Because even you proclaimed your will to rule. The only ones that impede your victory is us, the other candidates."

A deep line forms between his brows, pure frustration etching itself on his rugged face.

"And suddenly, when I needed aid the most, you were there." I step back and feign a look of remembrance. "Oh right, that is because you had some secret, surprise for me. Do not even get me started with the peculiarity that is your mysterious invitation. Since when do contenders wow each other with surprises?"

"I am not your enemy," he says wearily.

"You are neither my ally nor my friend, and the reality is. There is no in-between."

I resume my walk; a maelstrom of anger and despair is like a stimulus of verve that powers my strides.

"That is because I care for you, as anyone with a heart would," he says to me and his words drive through my back.

"Why?" I ask over my shoulder.

"Because I'm a sentient being with emotions and feelings, same as you." Tone tinctured with wryness. "Just because I wish to ascend the throne, it does not undermine my compassion. What kind of Ruler would do such vile acts to obtain his aspirations?"

I smirk to myself. "One who wanted to obtain his aspirations."

"Without honour? Then I would be no better than the Ulris."

His words rein me to a pause. He moves into my periphery.

"I will let my actions speak for me. I do not want you to trust me. You would be foolish to do so," he agrees. "Just believe that I mean you no harm...unless. If one of the phases in the Trials demand that we come to blows, then I will show no mercy. But never with your back turned or to ambush you like Rimnick did, like the coward that he truly is."

The unseen bonds released; I continue forwards. "I should have never been in the position to be ambushed," I say thoughtlessly.

Vince glues himself to my side. "Hera, you cannot possibly blame yourself?"

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