lev likes who? (Kuroo's POV)

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"what if you move in with me? my parents wouldn't care. and then you're mom wouldn't have to worry about two people. she could find a small job that just supports herself?", i say. he looks up at me and shakes his head. "i can't do that".

i pull the boy onto my lap and cup his face with my hands. he immediately goes red and flustered. "yes you can my parents wouldn't mind at all. i'll text them right now". kenma sinks down in my lap and nuzzles his head into my neck. i'm extremely shocked at the gesture coming from kenma, who is extremely shy in public like this, so i cherish the moment.

i put a hand through his hair and rest my head on his, closing my eyes. everything goes silent for a couple of minutes while i hold my boy. everything will be okay. that's when a loud annoying voice intrudes us.

"HEY GUYS!" lev yells approaching us. kenma, startled, jumps off my lap faster than i've ever seen him move in my life. he sighs, seeing it's just lev. "don't worry kuroo" he says to me. "lev knows". the tall first year puts a hand on my shoulder and looks down at me. "i've known since the beginning. kenma was never very good at hiding his feelings for you. you're just dumb" he smiles at me.

i growl playfully at the first year and i look back at kenma who's now texting someone on his phone. he looks so pretty. i can't help but lean in to kiss him on the cheek. before my lips can brush against his soft skin, he jerks his head away and puts his hand on my face, stopping me. "just because lev knows, doesn't mean i'm letting you go full PDA on me." he says, his hand still pushing me away. i laugh. theres my stubborn little kitten.

"so lev, what are you doing here" i ask him. "shouldn't you be with yaku?". at these words lev blushes profusely. he stomps his foot protesting like a child. "why would i be with yaku! i don't like him like that!". me and kenma both look at each other and can't hold in our laughter at the first year.

"i didn't say anything about you liking him, lev. i meant like, practicing your serves or something" i laugh. kenma joins in on teasing our child like teammate. "so, yaku? really?" he adds. lev is as red as ever, practically throwing a temper tantrum. "i do not like yaku!"

"do too"

"do not!"

"do too"

"do not!"

"do to"

"do not! i do not like yaku!". lev and kenma go back and forth. eventually, lev has had enough of the teasing and he storms off. kenma whispers over to me "he totally likes yaku". i nod and giggle, checking my phone. "good news ken, it's a yes. you can stay at my place. i'll help you pack your stuff. you can move in tonight". kenma jumps up.

"tonight? but- that's really soon. and i- i still haven't figured out how to tell my mom. without, you know, making her upset and i-". i interrupt my nervous kitten by putting my hands on his waist, to pull him back onto my lap as we were before being previously interrupted. i cup the younger boys face, brushing my thumb against his cheek. he purrs into my palm. "this is the best option ken". he nods and wraps his arms around my neck.

wow. i thought it would be awkward going from best friends to boyfriends. but it really isn't. i've never felt more complete.

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