seen again

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The next day was a busy one for Amber, and though she wanted to spend it with her brother, Caleb kept her occupied

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The next day was a busy one for Amber, and though she wanted to spend it with her brother, Caleb kept her occupied. She didn't even get to see Willie, who had been trying to have a conversation with her every chance he would get.

Caleb wouldn't have it, though. His princess was back, and he was going to flaunt her to the world he loved so dearly.

Amber spent most of the day with Caleb's tailor, being fitted for new dresses and having feather boas thrown to her every few minutes. Any other day it would be fun, but all she wanted was to meet Julie Molina.

It was pretty late that night when Amber finally got time away from Caleb. She didn't even know where to go, but she decided to trust her gut, and before she knew it she was outside a restaurant.

Walking in, she noticed a young girl dancing on stage with a neon pink wig, four other girls surrounding her. Then, Alex unsurprisingly appeared on stage, dancing along in a mocking manner. She laughed to herself, and it was like he could sense her presence. In seeing his twin, Alex beckoned for him to join her. She shook her head, but he teleported over to her and nearly dragged her onto the stage. Amber had missed this side of him. So much.

The two of them danced around until the song ended, goofy smiles never leaving either of their faces. Laughing more than she had in twenty-five years, Amber followed her brother over to the rest of the band and two girls.

"Um, who is this," Julie asked in confusion. Flynn looked at her in surprise but was just waved off.

"I'm Amber," the female twin responded. She was a little hurt that Julie hadn't known about her, but she was just glad to meet the young girl. "You're Julie, right?"

Little did Amber know, but Julie knew all about Amber. She just didn't know about her ghostliness. "Oh my goodness, I had no idea you were a ghost too! It's so amazing to meet you!"

Julie went in for a hug, but stopped herself, reminded that she couldn't touch ghosts. However, Amber noticed and wrapped her into a bear hug.

"How did you just do that?" Reggie asked, breaking the silence between the band and the girls.

"I'm pretty good at this ghost stuff," Amber replied, smiling slightly at Julie. "Can your friend see us too?"

"Oh, no, but she knows about all of this stuff. This is Flynn, my best friend."

The shorter girl waved at what she thought was thin air, confused beyond belief and having absolutely no clue who this Amber person was.

"Oh, hold on," Amber laughed. "I think I can help." She let the familiar feeling of power rush over her as she felt herself become visible from head to toe. Flynn's mouth dropped as she realized that she could see the dead girl without needing her to perform with Julie.

"Oh my goodness," Flynn shouted, hugging the ghost girl. "This is the coolest thing I've ever done in my life."

"It's certainly handy," Amber replied with a laugh, "but unfortunately it's really tiring. I can only do it for maybe fifteen minutes total in a day before nearly passing out."

"Still, that's insane that you're able to do it at all," Luke cut in, hoping to make her notice him. He stepped forward for a second, hope filling his eyes that she would actually acknowledge him.

Looking nervously at Alex, who gave her a loving nod, Amber met Luke's eyes and was once again drawn into the same trance that she had fallen in love with all those years ago.

"Y-yeah," she stuttered. After blinking a few times, she pulled Luke into a long-awaited hug and whispered "we need to talk" into his ear.

He could feel his heart beating out of his chest when he heard those words, knowing that she was giving him a chance to explain, and maybe another chance to love her as he had before.

"Um, that's Luke right?" Flynn interrupted, much to everyone's surprise. "Because I can see him."

(AN: sorry that took so long, it was midterms week and i literally died!! thank you so much to everyone who has read and added it to their reading lists and voted and commented, it means the world to me. another part will be coming up soon because i decided to split this chapter, but i'm super excited for you to see it! love you all lots <3)

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