finally free

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Amber Mercer was in oblivion. 

The pain had finally stopped, but there wasn't anything around her. No light, no darkness, just an existence that she didn't quite understand. Then, all of a sudden, memories started to flash through her mind. Her parents teaching her to ride a bike as Alex cheered from the side. Saving up money to buy Alex a new pair of drumsticks for Christmas. Meeting Bobby for the first time. Catching Luke staring at her in rehearsals. Debate practices at school with a few of her friends. Kissing Luke as the sun disappeared below the horizon. Putting her car in reverse for the last time as she left the studio. Thinking how beautifully bright the lights of the drunk man's car were as he crashed into her. 

And even though she couldn't feel anything, she knew she was crying. Because this had to have been it. Caleb must have won. There was no other explanation. She was forced into a purgatory of memories she could never get back. Memories of all of the "unfinished" business she never got to complete. Everything she did right. Everything she did wrong. 

Then there was nothing. 

Amber started to run, hoping she'd get somewhere, but all she could see around her was a darkness that extended for an eternity. She tried to scream, but no sound left her mouth. There was utter silence as she fell to her knees, pounding on the indiscernible ground with everything in her. But nothing she did worked. So, instead of fighting, Amber laid down, hugged her knees to her chest, and closed her crying eyes. 

Seconds felt like hours, hours felt like centuries until she felt a slight tug in her upper left chest. The tugging intensified until she felt like her heart was being ripped from within her chest. The pain felt like she was dying all over again, rushing through her body in waves as a small light above her started to grow into a sky of blue and fluffy white clouds. Amber screamed in agony as the world around her transformed into trees, a driveway, and a very familiar house. 

Julie Molina's house. 

As soon as she could comprehend where she was, Amber tried to stand, expecting pain to course through her body and to her legs. Instead, she felt eternal. She felt more alive than she had in twenty-five years. Then, she heard voices from the studio. 

"Luke, what was that?" 

"Are you okay?"

"Dude, you were screaming more than Bobby when we haunted him!"

Slowly making her way towards the studio door, still cautious that it was another one of Caleb's tricks, Amber could feel her heart yearn for something. Something that was inside the studio. She slowly opened the door to see four figures she was certain she would never see again. And Amber Mercer fell to the ground in shock. 

Reggie was the first to notice that they had company. He lifted his eyes to the collapsed girl, only to cry out as he realized who it was. Julie was the second to notice, nearly falling over in shock. Alex was the third, rushing immediately to her side and crushing her in a hug that knocked the wind out of her. 

Luke was the last to notice, still recovering from the pain he had felt with his entire being. He looked up, tears swelling in his eyes at the girl across the room from him. Julie finally got her bearings and rushed over to the girl, not surprised when she could pull her into her arms. Amber cried out when she saw Alex and Julie physically interacting, confused beyond belief. Reggie wasn't far behind Julie, helping support Amber through yet another hug. Luke finally stood, feeling stronger with each step he took towards the girl on the floor. 

He knelt, taking her hand in his, and with that everything felt complete. With his other hand, he caressed her cheek, turning her face towards his.

And brown eyes met blue. 

The end.

to everyone who has joined me on this journey-

thank you. i couldn't have done this without the support and validation you constantly gave.

about the ending- 

i wanted to keep it short and sweet and to leave it open for interpretation (AND FOR SEASON 2 IF WE EVER GET ONE) so feel free to take it as you want!

and most of all, 

so much love to all of you. <3

signing off,


(PS... comment your fav headcannons hehe)

just friends • luke (julie and the phantoms)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora