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Start from the beginning

"Angelina what the fuck? Why'd you use the explosive spell on the door." Ginny was comforting Lyra, who was sat up with her back against the bed in shock.

"I saw Lyra and Ron go in, I thought they where..."
"WE WHERE TALKING YOU FUCKING WALLY, and she's my bestfriend you sicko!" Ron defended, silencing the group. "Why didn't you just use the unlocking charm? You blew the sodding door off its hinges!" Harry piped up, scrunching up his face with disapproval at Angelina, "You could of killed somebody."

Lyra watched feebly, absorbing the sudden blow that had trapped her under the door, she wasn't gravely harmed but had gigantic bruises coming her way. "It was the first spell I thought of, I feel extremely victimised here, I was just worried for Hermione and Fred!"

"Hermione and Fred?" George stepped in.
"Well I thought Ron and Lyra where hooking up or something. Prehaps not Hermione but, I knew Fred wouldn't of liked it, seems although earlier he wa-"
"You've done enough Angelina, we all know why you did it. Now everyone get out for christ sake!" Ron shielded, helping Lyra onto her feet with Fred as Angelina and George went back to the living room.

"That daft dimbo. I can't believe that just happened, are you okay?" Hermione soothed, inspecing Lyra for any cuts and grazes up her arms. "Honestly I'm fine, it didn't get me. Thanks but I really think I should just go home" Lyra smiled sweetly, surrounded by Hermione, Ginny, Fred and Ron with Harry at the doorway. "Don't be silly, Ly. We can send Angelina home, your more important." Fred retorted, "Come with me, I've got something to soothe the pain" He led her soley through the front room and into the bathroom, past George and Angelina who where laughing together over drinks.

"She nearly outed us, Fred!" She balanced on the sink as he foraged in the cubourd, resting her hands between her thighs as she watched him. "Who cares? Let her out us, nobodys going to believe her anyway after that act." He stood up as Lyra rest her head against his chest. "Why does George like her? He deserves so much better."

"He's like you, he spots the best even in the worst people. But he's blinded by lust, no sane being can see any good in Angelina, even you."

"I see the way she looks at you, I don't think she's here for George is she? I don't want to over exaggerate or sound jealous, but I think you know it too." Fred lifted her head by her cheeks, chuckling as he formed her face. "No, Ly. You'd be stupid if you didn't feel like that, which is why I advise George away from her. It's always been the same, she uses George to get to me. But what are we?"

Lyra's eyebrows furrowed, what where they?

"I've never felt this way before" He added, "So I want to take you away this weekend, you and I."

"What? This weekend? But Fred you're wo- and you fam-" Fred silenced her as he crashed his lips into hers, resting his hand on the bottom of her back. He pulled away, skimming her ear with his lips, "You talk too much, Ly. It's all sorted, all you have to say is yes."

Fred was stood infront of her as she sat, a cloth in hand. She decided to have a little bit of fun with the privacy, she opened her legs and clutched them around his, before pulling him into her as he continuted cleaning her cuts, struggling to focus. "I'd love to" Lyra tilted her head with a grin, before sliding off the sink so he was pushed against her after he had finished. "Your going to bloody kill me, Lovegood" He bit his lip, hiding his trousers with the cloth as she turned back through the door.

Lyra sat beside Harry on the three seater, as Ron and Ginny sat on the two seater, George and Angelina on the loveseat and Hermione on the floor with her back leaning on Ron's legs. They all chatted amongst themselves, Angelina giving Lyra the occasional glare which was blocked by Ron.

Harry and Lyra where muttering about his life growing up with muggles, when an extremely flustered Fred followed from the bathroom and sat between Harry and Ly. "Fred, you just broke up our conversation about prostitution. I don't understand, what do they sell?" Hermione choked on her drink, spitting it across the carpet.

"Er, it's not THAT relevant to the story to be honest, let's move on from it anyway..."

"Well now I'm interested" Fred interposed, grabbing Lyra's legs and stretching them across his lap as she sat sideways on the sofa. Lyra turned her focus to Hermione, who had stopped sniggering and was serving a stern 'explain this' look at Ly's legs.

"We should play truth or dare, but to make things abit more juicy, you have to down a glass before your go. I'll ask someone first"Angelina stated, "Hermione your first, truth or dare?" Hermione gulped, evidently apprehensive, muttering "truth" before downing a glass, wincing at the shock. "Would you pick Harry over Ron if you didn't feel so bad?" Hermione, Ron's and Harry's faces dropped.

"Thats barbaric! Of course not, Ron you must know that?" She turned to Ron who was clenching his jaw, but he was aware of Angelina's tactics.
"Harry, truth or dare?" George turned to Harry, who was also in shock. "Truth" he answered, knowing George would play up for Angelina. George narrowed his eyes, "What are your intentions with my sister?" Ron moaned at George, shifting the focus away from the question.

"Lyra, truth or dare?" Angelina stabbed, everyones attention turned to her as they anticipated the worst.
"So many dares to choose from, hmmm. How about this, properly kiss two people in this room."
"What the fuck" Lyra wheezed, running her tounge along the roof of her mouth, "Okay."

Lyra eyed up her friends around the room. Who was she supposed to kiss other than Fred? Who was Angelina expecting her to kiss?

She scooted up from her current seat, putting each leg on either side of Fred's lap. He stared at her craving lust shallowly in his eyes. He wasn't sure if nature rooted for this moment or if his mind tricked him into a perfect present, but every breath he took in smelt like Lyra.

She felt all the eyes in the room digging into them, as she dove down into his lips, addictivity invaded all their senses, everything in the world fell into place, eagerness rolled between their tounges.

He bit her lip as she pulled away, his eyes swimming with desire as they broke off. He gave her a reassuring look, before she glared again at Angelina.

"Struggling to pick somebody? Such a shame."
"Loose the attitude, Johnson."
"How about we spin a bottle? You seemed extremely sure to kiss Fred, but prehaps this is a little more difficult." She layed the bottle flat, enchanting it before spinning it, it span for a while before landing onto Hermione.

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