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"Fred, it's going to be okay..." Luna reassured Fred, jogging every few strides behind him. "Where have they taken her" He asked, lip quivering.

"You're wasting your time! You'll never find her, we need to stay. The order will locate her... Fred!!"
He stopped, releasing a noticeably deep breath out. He hated it. Luna's voice. It reminded him oh so intensely of her. Her voice. "The order are meeting at our home. We can go there now, they'll find her. I promise." It didn't reassure him, it took everything in him to not to go solo. But Luna was right, they needed numbers.

The Lovegood household was undisputedly Lyra. The smell was the scent of home to him. The palette, sage's and yellows, soft brown tables and beaded curtains. His eyelids closed, wind chimes delicately dancing to the soft melody of wind outside. Remus, Tonks, Mr and Mrs Weasley, Fred and Luna gathered around Xenophillius. Fred was broken. He sniffed quietly, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. His body appearing calm in contrast to the entanglement of his own mind.

"Where is she?"

"Fred. You know we don't know. We're doing all we can." Remus explained, his wife stroking his arm delicately. "You're not doing enough!" Fred retaliated, becoming worked up. "Fred, we understand you're in distress. Please..." Molly tried to compose the boy. "She could be anywhere! Sitting around moping isn't going to bring her back! I'm sorry, Mr Lovegood, but it's not!"

"Fred. Take a minute please."

"No! If you truly love her, Xenophillius. If you love her like I do, then why isn't there progression!?" He realised what he'd just said. Fred Weasley, was crazy in love. Up the fucking walls, to be honest. He knew, he'd known for a while, he knew he was in love. She'd changed his perspective, he'd never understood the feeling. Whenever she was around, his stomach dropped, flipped, euphorically.

Whenever she was around, he was inexplicably young. Drunk. Drunk off her. He was intoxicated. But he couldn't stop, he craved her every passing hour. To hold her once more, thats all he wanted.

"The Order will stay here to plot. It may take several days, we have a search party out. We'll keep you updated, Fred. It's not goodbye." Tonks smiled, breaking the silence.

"I'm staying."

Xenophillius Lovegood's eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm not loosing her, I love your daughter. So much."

"Very well. You can stay in her room, it's the only spare." He nodded, turning away to avoid conversation.

Fred almost regretted asking to stay. As upon entrance into Lyra's bedroom, he fell onto his knees. Sobbing. The bed crumpled and unmade, where she'd slept the night previous. An open book, the last chapter unread. He snapped away his subconscious, who asked him whether she'd ever conclude the story. He'd never seen her room, but it reflected Lyra's personality completely.

He didn't sleep that night. Instead, he blankly gazed at the absent spot beside him. The image of her dainty frame, how she'd always been big spoon, how her delicate fingers tickled his back as he drifted into a snooze. Her morning voice, whispers before nightfall, the cold bed dance they'd always performed on the coldest of nights. The way he'd always wake up to find her sprawled across him, chuckling whilst sobbing to himself, Fred Weasley had turned soft.

Nor did he sleep the next night, nor for the following week. The ministry had been searched, top to bottom. Hogwarts, too. Fred had intentionally avoided Luna, she was irritatingly alike her. Hearing Luna's voice downstairs, sent hope exploding throughout his body. He hated it. The torment. It was exhausting.

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