ᴛʜᴇʏ'ʀᴇ ᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ

369 15 4

[A/N: I've decided to make a new account @ acciomypen. I've began a new story on there as I completely lost motivation with this one. I've had so many nice comments on here from people who are enjoying this story. So I'm going to finish this story alongside my new one. Honestly, I've lost the spark I used to get whilst writing this story. But I really don't want to be that author, so I will try my best to finish it. Thank you for your patience❤️]

*・゚:*・゚: *.*:・゚ .: *・゚: .

Lyra's POV.

I have purposely avoided involving myself with the war. Father says I should experience my teenage years, despite being the author of The Quibbler- he isn't very informative to Luna and myself. He doesn't want us to believe anything's wrong.

But it is. Everything is wrong.

I distracted myself with silly misunderstandings, fights, alcohol and parties. A million dust motes dance around in the stream of sunlight as I lay upon my dusty floor, flicking through the Daily Prophet.

Fred and I were oh so lucky that day at Shell Cottage. Although pure-bloods, 'Blood traitors' were not tolerated in the eyes of the ministry.

Readers POV.

"Ly? Are you in there..." Luna hushed, stepping into the spotlight. "You okay Luna?" Lyra shuffled up, pushing herself against the bed frame.

"I think something's wrong. With Dad." Luna's eyes where bruised in colour, her frizzy hair flat against her pale face. "He keeps repeating, they're coming, they're coming, they're coming."

Luna broke into tears, collapsing onto the floor. Lyra hadn't seen her sister tear up before, let alone break down. "Hey, hey. Come 'ere." She wrapped her sister in a blanket, laying Luna's head across her lap as she stroked her hair. "Everything's going to be okay- you're going to go back to school, me and Dad will stay safe. I'll owl to you everyday, I promise." Luna sobbed, burying her face into her sisters chest.

"He wants to send us off."

"What?!" Lyra exclaimed, hushing her voice immediately after Luna jolted. "I'm sorry, are you kidding? Where?"

"The muggle world. To keep us safe, I don't want to Ly, I'd rather be at Hogwarts. Or here, I want to stay."

"Stay here."

Lyra marched down the stairs, drunk with fury. "Father, are you kidding me?! You just want to..." She paused as her father stood by the doorway, surrounded by evil looking wizards. "Lyra. No!"

Her chest rose and fell, as the wizards spotted her on the spiral staircase. "No one 'ere hey, Mr Lovegood? Who's 'at then!" The man pointed at Lyra, focusing the attention on her. "Please, please! I'll stop, I'll write for you, anything you want!" Xenophilius held up his hands in defence, but the tall wizards shoved past him.

Lyra double took, before scrambling up the flight of stairs. She burst open her door, no Luna. "No, no, no, no! Luna?!" She yelled, searching for her sister. "You an' you're father should be more careful what you write in those sources, beautiful."

She gasped, turning. Fenrir Greyback held Luna by her neck. "Let her go." Luna whimpered, as the wolf sniffed. "Seen you before? Smell familiar."

"Take me instead. Let her go!"

"No" Luna whimpered, too muffled for Fenrir to catch. "Fine." He chucked Luna forwards, before grabbing Lyra firmly by her hair. He withdrew her wand from her burgundy's plaid pyjama bottoms, trailing it along her torso and around her white crop top. "Don't touch me." She snapped, as he crunched the wand into dust.

He stormed through the house, passing Xenophilius who was cowering in a corner behind a few more dark wizards. "My Lyra. Let her go! I beg you!"
But Greyback had disappeared, taking his beloved child with him.

Xenophilius Lovegood's wails were perceived for miles.


Ginny Weasley skipped through the meadows picking dandelions and enchanted flower petals. The school holidays where appreciated even more now Snape was headmaster. She hummed the tune to her favourite song Dancing Queen, it'd played at  the wedding of Bill and Fleur, Ginny and Harry had danced like idiots, they couldn't stop the world from spinning for days. That night had brought so much good. It was the start of adventures, and lifelong relationships.

She stopped. Overhearing a cry. There wasn't many creatures around, apart from the occasional Cornish Pixie in the Lovegood's garden, which was over the hill from the Burrow. She heard it again, but it sounded like a man. Her first instinct was to run. But it was coming from the Lovegood's property. Everybody knew that the Lovegood's did not shout- well, Lyra sometimes became out of hand at karaoke nights. But this was different. She dropped her basket, sprinting as fast as she could travel down the hill.

She wound through the crops, leaping from stone to stone until she arrived at the driveway. "Mr Lovegood?" She raised her tone, "Excuse me? Is everything OK?"

The wailing paused, her familiar friend Luna leant out of an upstairs window. "Ginny! It's you, please. We need help! Urgently, it's Lyra, they took her..."

"Wait there!" Ginny's heart plummeted, as she sprinted away from the property. Goosebumps formed along her pasty arms, who took Lyra? The wind was choking her, a sharp stinging pain in the back of her throat only made her sprint faster.

"Mum! Fred! Anybody!" She yelled, the geese taking flight away as she jumped past them.

"Ginny dear, is everything alright!?"

Ginny ran into the house, collapsing onto the dusty red settee. She attempted to catch her breath, as the siblings began to gather around.

"Ginny!" Ron exclaimed.

"I-I-its, they took Lyra!"

Fred dropped a glass, scurrying over to his sister. "What're you talking about?!"

"Luna and Xenophilius crying. Lyra's gone. Death eaters I think." Fred's eyes welled up, an anger surging through his core. He stormed into the kitchen, grabbing his wand and setting off outside at a sprint. "Frederik! Where'd you think you're going!? To get yourself killed? We'll contact the order. You're not going alone." Arthur attempted to reason with his son, who'd now disappeared down the drive and towards Lyra's home.


The hedges where dark grey- as though the life had been sucked from them. Even the sky lay sooty and bleak. Her vision was foggy, but Lyra could make out the towering building, with no lights and an aroma of burning. A few footfalls behind her, she wasn't carrying herself. She lay in the arms of a tall, hairy man. Worn out metal gates stood before them, the wizards deep grunting vibrating against Lyra's dainty frame.

"Madame Lestrange. We have another one. She's a Lovegood, quite a beauty. Any update on the Potter boy and we'll be straight to you."

A high pitch whining scraped Lyra's ears as the grand gates revealed the remaining walkway up-to the house. Frizzy black hair tickled her face, the witch inhaling the girls scent.

"Bring her in." She whispered, cackling to herself. "I hope you're willing to have some fun with her, Fenrir. She's indeed, a little beauty."

Lyra's vision faded, completely unconscious.

ᴄᴏʀᴅᴜʀᴏʏ (fred weasley)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें