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(WARNING: mild smut)

⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☽

George's eyes were dull, their twinkle he'd always possessed fused out. Lyra crossed her arms, sitting on the damp outside bench as George stood in-front of her, as though he was to perform a presentation.

"I can't keep this from you, Lyra. I just-" He combed his slender fingers through his messy, bright red hair. "What's it?" She responded, a million possibilities flashed before her eyes.

Had he found out about her and Fred? Perhaps through some sort of twin telepathy, was it to do with Angelina? Was somebody in danger?

"Fuck. Er, how are you?"

Her brows furrowed, she wasn't thick.

"George are you going to tell me what's happened or not? Just drop the shit and small talk please, for the love of Merlin. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's all okay." And with that, he turned back to the front door, holding it open for her. Something definitely wasn't right, and for sure, she would get to the bottom of it. The Weasley's, Hermione and Harry where lined down the dining table, as Mrs Weasley prepared food. Fred caught Lyra's eye, his eyebrows raising as though to ask Is everything okay? She simply nodded, taking a seat beside Ginny.


As she sat upon the bed at the Weasley's, she ran her fingers along her bruises, the faded and new.
The room was dusk, the only source of light was the flickering orange candlelight beside her.

Knock knock knock

"Yes?" She said in a low tone, it was around twelve and most of the house where sound asleep, all except Harry and Ron who where downstairs, gossiping as usual.


He approached furtively, treading on each floorboard attentively. He wore flannel pyjama bottoms, with no shirt, his toned, vigorous abs and evident V line staring directly at her.

"What're you doing here?" She shuffled up on the mattress, using a knitted blanket to conceal her bare legs. "I missed you" He gave her the puppy eyes, tilting his head slightly. "Come off, I've been away from you twenty minutes." He scooted up, wrapping an arm around Lyra's shoulder and pulling her up-to his side. "What did George say to you today?" She knew this was coming.

"I don't know. He sort of started, it sounded although it was really important. Then he just left."

"That's odd, he'd never usually do something like that. Strange that fella, ain't he?"

"Is that why you came here?" She placed her hand in the centre of his chest, nesting her head under his chin. She felt his heartbeat rapidly increase under her touch. "You don't have to cover up for me, Lovegood. I thought we where past this" his eyes pointed at the blanket she'd pulled over her legs, as she ripped it off dramatically to project her pale, toned thighs and legs.

"Your heartbeats increasing." She questioned, his breathing becoming unsteady. "I like those shorts."
"Yeah? What'd ya like about them, they're short hm?" She teased, watching him squirm, narrowing his eyes. She placed an arm and leg either side of his waist, crawling up over his body. "Did you come here because you're lonely? Or should I stop?"

"Muffliato" He responded, using her wand from the table beside them. "Ly, you're injured."

"Are you injured?" She proposed.

ᴄᴏʀᴅᴜʀᴏʏ (fred weasley)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora