nen Fighting

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Amon was excited to learn that he was going to be sent to kill a Nen user. He had never really tested his BW Portal in real battle; this was just what he needed. He wanted to know the advantages and shortcoming of his work. Even though the Zoldyck family were assassins, against Nen users, there were very rare instances of an instant kill. Therefore, a battle was bound to happen most of them times.

There were 2 main types of clients, the one's with info, the other with little to nothing. When Silva Zoldyck was sent to assassinate a Troupe member, the only reason Silva had agreed was because there was suitable information and good money, but after he assassinated the member, Silva had stated it was not worth it to hunt Phantom Troupe members. It showed how Nen users couldn't be underestimated even if you have full information on their abilities.

When Zeno and Silva were sent to assassinate Chrollo, one can imagine the amount of money that would have been paid to them. Chrollo was one of Amon's favourite characters, Amon was tempted to join Phantom Troupe just because of him. But, he probably wouldn't, not now. Robbing and killing were fine and all. But, having a crazy Kurapika chase after him, not for now at least. He might join but later on after Yorknew Arc, or maybe even after the Greed Island.

One of the main reasons he didn't want to lead the Zoldyck family, was due to restriction of freedom and too many responsibilities. Now all he had to do was help a few times, whenever an assassination target came. Amon didn't want to lose that freedom just because of a rash decision like joining the Troupe. However, so far, he didn't think he would lose much freedom if he did join the troupe, apart from the occasional heist, all they ever had was free-time and freedom. Hell, he wouldn't even be surprised if one of the members had a side job at a salon or something.


An empty grassland near a populated city, a dark and windy night. There was very little cover in the area. Amon's target had already noticed his presence, so he went to an area with little to no ambush spots. He hadn't located Amon yet, but knew someone was following him, like how Phinks and Nobu noticed Gon and Killua following them. This just showed that Amon's target definitely had battle experience. Amon was approximately 200 metres away, he was glad for his black hair. As he was using In, there wasn't much chance of his target noticing him.

He would be facing a Nen user this time, his nick-name was Limbo. According to his information, his ability was pretty simple. Conjuring strong Nen arms around his body, he could use them to attack fast; apparently, there were cases of him shooting his limbs. He also seemed like a nice person, after all he didn't want cause collateral damage. But, that wasn't going to change Amon's mind that was set on killing him. Amon would avoid killing if there were no benefit, but now he was being paid and the dude seemed like a nice fighting opponent.

It was nearly 2 am. Research showed that a person would feel most lethargic and tired during 2-4 am. Amon doubted it would work on a Nen user, but, not like waiting a few minutes would effect anything.

After waiting for a few moments, just as he was about to move, his target, Limbo started talking, "Hey, I know you're there, I don't know who sent you to kill me, but please leave, I didn't eat that cake!" Amon nearly burst out laughing, as much as he would love to hear more about his backstory, he had a job to do. Limbo was a fat man; he was pretty short as well. Only a head taller than Amon. But being fat might have been his plan, this way he would have more surface area to conjure his arms. He looked like Prince Hata from G*ntama, he even had the correct facial expression.

Amon was confused, how did this fat, naïve man detect his presence; guess looks can really be deceiving. At this point Amon just decided to give up, and just charge straight at him. He was getting tired of staring at this fatty; he just wanted to get it done with.

As he started getting closer to Limbo, he also summoned all his portals. Except for the one filled with bullets, all four sets of portals were surrounding him, after all bullets weren't really effective against Nen users.

When he was in 30 metres of Limbo, he finally noticed Amon and conjured his arms all over his upper body. Then he started screaming and running at Amon. The f*ck dude, and here he was thinking he had battle experience.

After slowing down, Amon cocked back his arm and infused some Nen into it. As he punched forward, he moved a black portal in front of his punch. As this was all going on, Limbo was still oblivious to all this and was still running and screaming while flailing his arms.

When Amon's punch reached the black portal, abruptly a white one appeared behind Limbo's head. Out of it came Amon's Nen infused punch.

*Thwook* Was all that was heard when Amon's fist collided into Limbo's thick skull. A dent seemed to have formed. As Limbo flew towards Amon, Amon got ready for another punch. It was just like playing baseball, except the pitcher and the batter being his fists, while the ball being a fat human. This time, Amon decided to use his martial techniques.

'Water Stream Smashing Palm!' Amon silently chanted as his palm rushed towards the now flying and dazzled Limbo. Like a wave hitting the shore, Limbo was instantly blown away 100s of metres. At this point, even Amon felt a bit sorry for him, it was like beating a defenseless chicken, they try to flap their wings, but even that is useless.

As Amon got closer to Limbo's sprawled body, he suddenly felt a brief killing intent. Even though it was slight, Amon immediately brought all his portals and made them cover his vital parts while he got into a combat position. The diameter of the portal was around 60 centimetres so covering a bit of his body was no problem.

Amon trusting his senses turned out to be great decision as the supposedly unconscious man, Limbo, suddenly stood up while laughing eerily.

"Jet RELEASE!" Limbo screamed. All his arms, around 20 or so, pointed at Amon and suddenly started shooting towards him. Amon quickly started controlling his portals and tried to catch all of the arms inside his portals. The distance between the two was only a few metres, so his limbs reached Amon extremely quickly. As the arms went into the portals, Amon decided to keep a few in their as they might come in handy. Then he would use the rest and barrage them back at the motherf*cker when he finished.

After a few seconds, Amon finally noticed something, the Nen around Limbo was really chaotic, and seemed to be getting stronger, his hair was also getting longer. It looked like that Limbo was exchanging his lifespan for more Nen. 'This sh*tty bastard, he's pulling a Gon on me, the f*ck did I do to make him hate me so much! It's just my job bro!'

After he finished fighting this battle, Amon would learn that underestimating an opponent was not a good idea, even if they looked like Prince Hata.

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